#arrastrar# drag, force into; #traerla arrastrando# drag her here
#arrebatar# take away by force
#arrebato# carried away with, beside himself with
#arremeter con# make an attack upon
#arrepentimiento# repentance, remorse
#arribar# arrive
#arriesgar# risk
#arrimarse# lean against
#arrodillado# kneeling
#arrodillarse# kneel
#arrojar# cast off; #-se# rush, escape, cast oneself upon
#arrostrar# face
#arruinarse# fall in ruins
#artesano# artisan, mechanic
#ascendiente# ancestor, forefather
#asegurar# assure, assert, state definitely
#asesinar# assassinate, murder
#asesinato# assassination
#asi# so, thus; #-- que# as soon as
#asido de# grasped, seized by
#asir# grasp, seize
#asistir a# be present at, witness, attend
#asomar# appear
#asombrado# astonished, amazed
#aspero# rough
#asustar# frighten; #-se de# be frightened at
#atar# tie
#ataud# _m._ coffin
#atavio# fine attire
#atender# heed, pay attention to, listen attentively to
#atento# attentive; attentively
#aterrar# ravage, lay waste; appall, terrify
#atesorar# store up; possess
#atestiguar# testify
#atonito# amazed, troubled
#atras# back, backward
#atravesar# pass through
#atreverse# dare
#atroz# atrocious, fierce
#aumentar# increase
#aumento# increase
#aun, aun# still, even, yet; #-- no# not yet
#aunque# although, even though
#ausencia# absence
#ausentarse# depart, go away, be absent; #al --# in the absence of
#ausente# absent; absent one
#autor# author, agent
#avaro# miser
#averiguar# find out
#avisar# warn, notify, inform
#aviso# warning; news
#iay!# alas; #-- de# alas for, woe betide
#ayer# yesterday; recently
#ayunar# fast
#ayuntamiento# town council; town hall, city hall
#azorado# anxious, restless
#bajar# descend
#bajo# under
#balbuciente# stammering
#balcon# _m._ balcony
#banda# band, scarf
#bandera# banner, standard
#bandolero# bandit, robber
#banar# bathe
#barra# metal bar; #tirar la --# throw the bar (_a popular game in
#bastante# enough; long enough
#bastar# suffice, be enough; #basta# enough; #basta de platica# enough
#batida# hunting party
#beldad# beauty
#Belen# Bethlehem
#bello# beautiful
#bendecir# bless
#bendicion# blessing
#bendito# blessed
#beneficio# benefit; #con tal --# under such obligation
#benefico# beneficent, charitable