_ impetus; impetuosity
#impio# faithless; wicked
#imponer# impose
#importar# be important; #no importa# no matter
#imprimir# impress, stamp
#incapaz# incompetent, unfit
#incentivo# encouragement
#inclinacion# inclination, love
#inclinar# bend, bow
#incluir# include
#incorporarse# sit up in bed
#indagacion# investigation
#indicar# mean, indicate
#indole# _f._ temper; nature
#indudable# indubitable, certain
#indulgencia# indulgence, toleration
#inerte# inanimate, lifeless
#infalible# infallible, sure
#infame# infamous
#infantil# childish; #amor --# love of childhood
#infausto# unlucky, ill-fated, ill-starred
#infecto# infected, tainted
#infelicidad# misfortune
#infeliz# unfortunate; unfortunate man; #alguna --# an unhappy woman
#infiel# disloyal, faithless; infidel
#infierno# hell
#informarse# inquire, ask
#ingrato# ungrateful
#inmaculado# immaculate
#inmediato# adjoining, next
#inmolar# sacrifice
#inmovil# motionless
#inmovilidad# immobility
#inquietud# solicitude, anxiety, worry; #estar con --# worry, be anxious
#insensato# foolish; fool
#inspirar# inspire, inspire in
#instante# _m._ instant, moment; #en el --# at once, immediately
#instar# urge
#insufrible# intolerable
#intensidad# intensity
#intentar# try; intend to do
#inundar# inundate, flood
#inutil# vain, useless
#inverosimil# improbable
#invocar# invoke, call
#ir# go, be, _etc_.; #-- a# be about to; #-- a parar# lead to, come to
an end; pierce; #van llegando# they keep arriving _or_ continue to
arrive; #se fue retirando atras# kept drawing back; #va mi vida# my life
is at stake; #-se# go away, disappear
#ira# fury, rage, passion; #-s# anger
#iracundo# passionate
#irritado# angry
#irritarse# get angry, become furious
#izquierdo# left; #a la izquierda# at the left
#jamas# ever, never
#jardin# _m._ garden
#jerga# coarse cloth
#Jesus# Heavens; Heaven help me
#Jope, Japa# Joppa (_ancient seaport of Jerusalem and important
commercial center in the time of the Crusades. Modern Jaffa_)
#jornada# journey
#joven# young; young man
#joya# jewel, piece of jewelry
#jubilo# joy
#judio# Jew
#juez# judge
#jugar# play
#juicio# judgment
#junta# council, meeting
#juntar# assemble, amass, get together; summon
#junto (a)# near, at the side of; #-s# together
#jurar# swear, vow
#justicia# justice; #en --# righ