-- vano# frustrate, render harmless; #-- por# try, make
an effort to; #hazle entrar# show him in; #haz que vea# let me see;
#hace poco# a short time ago; #hacia tanto# for so long; #hara tres
meses# about three months ago; #-se# take place
#hacia# toward; #-- aqui# in this direction
#hacienda# property, wealth, riches
#hallar# find; #bien hallado# I am glad to see you; #-se# find oneself;
be; #-se con# have, possess
#hambre# _f._ hunger
#hartar# satiate; #para -me# until I am satiated
#hasta# until; even; #-- que# until
#hecha# _p.p. fem. of_ #hacer#; #poner -- una imagen# make pretty as a
#hechizo# charm, fascination
#hecho# fact
#hecho# _p.p. of_ #hacer#; accustomed, used; turned into; becoming
#hediondo# fetid, foul
#heredar# inherit
#herencia# inheritance; wealth
#herida# wound
#herido# wounded; wounded man
#herir# wound, strike
#hermano, -a# brother, sister
#hermoso# beautiful; #hermosa# beautiful woman
#hiciera# _imp. subj. of_ #hacer#
#hiel# _f._ gall, bitterness
#hierro# iron; steel; brandiron; #-s# chains
#hijo, -a# son, daughter
#himeneo# marriage; #galas del --# bridal trousseau
#historia# story
#hito# fixed; #de -- en# fixedly
#hoguera# fire; #una --# death at the stake
#holgar# please; #me holgara# (_for_ #holgaria#) it would please me
#hollar# tread upon
#hombre# man
#hondo# deep
#honesto# virtuous
#honrado# honorable, respectable
#honrar# honor
#hora# hour; time; #en buen --, en -- buena# indeed; well and good; and
#horrendo# frightful, horrible
#horroroso# horrible, terrible
#hospedaje# _m._ lodging; hospitality
#hoy# to-day; now; #desde --# this very day, from now on; #--mismo# this
very day, even to-day; #-- dia# in these days
#hoyo# hole, pit
#hubo# (_3d pret. of_ #haber#) there was
#hueco# hollow; depths
#huella# footprint
#huesa# grave
#huir# flee, fly, slip away
#humanidad# humaneness, kindness
#humedo# damp, humid
#humildad# humility
#hundir# hurl, throw, beat down; #-se# sink
#idioma# _m._ language
#idiotez# idiocy
#idolatrar# idolize
#iglesia# church
#ignorar# ignore; not to know; #-se# be unknown
#igual# equal; alike
#igualdad# equality
#ileso# sound; without blemish
#ilusorio# illusory, deceptive
#ilustre# noble, illustrious
#imagen# _f._ image, picture
#imbecil# imbecile; simple
#impedir# prevent, stop
#impetu# _m.