#conjurado# conspirator
#conmigo# with me, along with me
#conocer# know, meet, recognize
#conocimiento# knowledge; #sin --# unconscious
#consagrar# consecrate, dedicate
#conseguir# succeed in, obtain
#consejo# advice, counsel
#conservar# preserve
#consignado# deposited, set down
#consolador -a# comforter
#consolar# console
#consorte# consort; husband, wife
#constancia# constancy
#consuelo# consolation
#consumar# complete, consummate
#consumir# consume, wear out, wear upon
#contacto# contact, touch; #al --# at the first touch
#contar# relate, report, tell about; consider; #-- con# count upon,
expect; #cuento como# I count it as a
#contemplar# consider
#contener# contain, repress; #-se# contain oneself; stop
#contienda# quarrel
#continuamente# continually
#contra# counter, contrary to, against; #ir --# oppose
#contrario# enemy, opponent
#contrito# contrite, penitent
#convenir# be fitting, be in place
#convertir# convert, change; #-se# change, be converted
#convidado# guest
#convulso# convulsed
#corazon# _m._ heart
#cordel# _m._ cord
#corona# crown
#corporal# physical
#correctivo# corrective; expiation
#correr# run, hasten; pass; draw; run through; #corrido el plazo# the
time having expired, at the expiration of the time set
#corresponder con# repay
#corriendo# running; quickly
#corroborar# corroborate, confirm
#corrompido# foul, putrid
#corte# _f._ court
#cortina# curtain
#cortinaje# _m._ curtain; set of curtains
#corto# short, brief
#cosa# thing; #?que --?# what is it?
#cosecha# harvest
#costar# cost; #costara lo que costara# cost what it might; #cueste lo
que cueste# cost what it may
#cota# coat of mail; #vestida la --# with his coat of mail on
#coyunda# yoke
#creador, -a# creative
#credito# credit; reputation
#creer# believe, think
#creyente# true believer (_Moslem or Christian, according to point of
#criado# servant
#criar# create; grow
#crimen# _m._ crime, offence
#cruz# _f._ cross
#cruzar# cross; pass through; fold
#cuadrilla# band
#cual# which; as
#cuadrar# suit; please; #de quien le cuadre# with any one that pleases
#cualquiera# any one; some or other
#cuando# when; since; seeing that
#cuantioso# numerous, large
#cuanto# how much, how many; as much as; all that; #-- a# as for; #-s#
all those that
#cuatro# four
#cubierto# covered