# nourish; #-- risuena# encourage with smiling hopes
#alistar# enlist, recruit
#aliviar# assuage, relieve
#alivio# alleviation, consolation
#alma# soul, spirit, heart, love; #de mi --# dearest
#Alteza# Highness
#altivez# _f._ pride
#alto# high; great
#altura# height, elevation; #una --# high ground
#alumbrar# illuminate, light
#alzar# raise; rise, arise
#alla# there, yonder; #por --# thereabouts, along there
#allanarse# be smoothed out, be overcome; be worked out
#alli# there, in it
#ama# mistress
#amante# loving; lover
#amar# love; #-se# love each other
#amargo# bitter, cruel
#amargura# bitterness, sorrow
#amasar# knead; cement
#ambos# both; as
#amenazar# threaten
#amigo# friend
#Amir# ameer (_Mohammedan ruler_)
#amistad# friendship
#amor# _m._ love
#amorio# love-making; #-s# love affairs
#amortajar# shroud, prepare for burial
#anciandad# _f._ old age
#anciano# old; old man
#andar# go; #-- por aqui# go about in this vicinity; #-se# go about
#angel# _m._ angel
#angustia# anguish
#anhelado# longed for, coveted
#anhelante# anxious; anxiously
#anhelar# long, yearn for
#anima# spirit
#animar# encourage
#animo# mind, spirit
#anochecer# grow dark; #al --# at nightfall; #a poco de --# shortly
after nightfall
#ansia# anguish
#ansiar# long for, desire eagerly
#ante# before; in the presence of
#antes# before, first; rather; on the contrary; #-- de# before; #-- que#
before; rather than; #-- que todo# before everything else
#anticipar# anticipate; #anticipado al nacer# present before birth,
#anular# annul
#anunciar# announce
#ano# year
#apacible# peaceful, friendly
#aparecer# appear, be seen
#apartar# separate, take away
#aparte# aside; #-- de# aside from
#apellido# name
#apenas# scarcely, barely
#apercibir# inform
#aplacar# mitigate, lessen, appease, allay
#aplazado# postponed
#aplicar# apply; hold
#aposento# room
#apreciar# appreciate
#aprender# learn
#aprension# illusion, delusion
#apresar# capture
#aprestar# prepare
#apresurar# hurry up
#aprieto# embarrassment, difficult position
#aproximarse# approach
#aquese, aquesa# that
#aqui# here; on earth
#ara# altar
#aragones, -esa# Aragonese
#arbol# _m._ tree
#ardiente# hot, burning
#ardimiento# boldness
#arena# sand; #-s# sands, desert
#arma# arm, weapon
#armino# ermine; #de --# ermine