n# put an end to;
#-- de# finish with, have finished, have just; #acabaras de hacer
justicia# you will do justice in the end
#acatar# respect, honor, do homage to
#accion# action, impulse
#acechar# spy upon
#acento# accent; #-s# words
#acercarse# approach
#acero# steel; blade, sword, dagger
#aciago# bitter; fatal
#aclamar# acclaim
#acometer# attack
#acompanar# accompany; #fue acompanandome# he went with me, kept me
#acordarse# (de) remember
#activo# vigorous
#acudir# come up, hasten (to help); #-se a# have recourse to, go to
#adelantarse a# go ahead of, outrun
#ademan# _m._ gesture; attitude
#adentro# within; off the stage
#aderezar# dress, get ready
#adios# good-bye, farewell
#administrar# administer; give
#adonde# where, to the place where
#adorar (en)# adore
#adormecer# put to sleep
#adormecido# sleeping
#adorno# adornment
#afan# _m._ anxiety, trouble, sorrow; #con --# solicitously
#afecto# love, affection; #-- amoroso# feeling of love
#aficion# love, fondness
#afligir# afflict, grieve
#agasajar# regale; entertain
#agolpados# crowding
#agradecer# be grateful, thankful (for)
#agradecido# grateful
#agua# water
#aguardar# wait for
#ahogar# smother, oppress; #-se# be stifled _or_ suffocated
#ahora# now; nowadays; #por --# for the present
#ahorrar# save, spare; #-se# be spared
#ahuyentar# frighten, drive away
#airado# angry, wrathful
#aire# _m._ air
#ajeno# belonging to another, of another, another's
#alameda# avenue, grove (_of poplars_)
#alarde# _m._ boast, boasting; #hacer --# be proud of, boast
#alarido# cry, shout
#alazan# _m._ sorrel horse
#alba# dawn
#Albarracin# _small town and mountainous district a short distance west
of the city of Teruel_
#albedrio# will, free will
#albergue# _m._ lodging, room
#albigenses# Albigenses (_see note, Act I_, 258); #un frances --# an
Albigensian Frenchman
#alborotado# excited, agitated
#alborozo# joy
#alcanzar# reach, overtake; obtain; #-- con# have influence with
#alcazaba# stronghold, fortress, donjon
#alcazar# _m._ castle, royal palace
#alcoba# bedroom
#alcurnia# ancestry; family name
#alentar# give breath; animate
#aleve# faithless, perfidious; traitor
#alguno# any, any one, the one
#alhaja# jewel
#aliento# breath, courage; #-- vital# breath of life; #sin --# lifeless,
unconscious; #mi --# my last breath