156. #lo que yo vivira = lo que# (_as long as_) #yo viva, vivira#.
167-168. #concluyo de desear y pedir#, _I desire and ask for no
180-181. #mudareis en suma de casa y de vecindad#, _you will move
into another house and neighborhood, nothing more_.
210-211. #lo demas ... notorio#, _otherwise it would give cause for
notorious scandal_.
217. #resucitara = hubiera resucitado.#
219. #matara = habria matado.#
221. #corriera = habria corrido.#
346. #saliendole al camino = saliendole al encuentro.#
354. #mas ... marido = yo, profuga, he podido (hacer) mas que mi real
364. #monstruo ... abismo#, _inhuman creature, in whose voice is
heard the wrath of hell_.
386-387. #a quien ... frente#, _whose forehead evil fate branded at
birth with burning iron_.
388. #que por verte vive#, _who receives new life on seeing you_.
434. #merezcate ... lazo#, _respect as you should that marriage
437. #Con mi presencia queda destruido.# "Sublime respuesta de la
pasion, tan sublime por lo menos como el famoso _Qu'il mourut_ de
Corneille, porque para la pasion no hay obstaculo, no hay mundo, no hay
hombres, no hay mas Dios, en fin, que ella misma. Sacrilegio sublime
como el de Ayax en Homero." (Jose de Larra, _Coleccion de articulos_,
page 194.)
7. #prenden = habrian prendido.#
8. #acuden = hubiesen acudido.#
41. #sois quien sois#, _you are true to yourself_; or, _one can
always count upon you_.
48. #entre vos y yo#, _we two, you and I_.
119. #?No ha de ser?# _Why not?_
122. #por si es#, _lest it be; in case it may be_.
139. #Esto es antes.# Teresa thought that the spirit of Marsilla was
conducting Rodrigo to the cemetery. Pedro, after giving the real
explanation, adds _Esto es antes_, meaning, _rather is this it_, i.e.,
the true explanation.
165-166. #mira si te enganas#, _you are surely mistaken_.
166. #mal pudiera = mal podria (enganarme).#
201-202. #Pasa mas#, _more has happened; there is still more to
tell_. Note that _yo_ is the subject understood of _aperciba_ in line
220. #al = al talamo.#
222-224. #salga ... hospedaje#, _let her leave here at once, let not
the law of hospitality serve her (as protection)_.
230-231. #fuera rayar en loca#, _would be little removed from folly;
would border on madness_.
233-234. #sean ... pierdo = sean jueces de mi furia todas las mujeres
que pierdan lo que yo pierdo.#
250-251. #que ...