_Chief terms_, or _principal parts_, of a verb, necessary to be first
--_Chief words_ may be distinguished by capitals.
_Circumflex_, inflection, (see _Inflection_,)
--mark, use of.
_Classes_ under the parts of speech, what meant by.
_Classification_ of words, explanations to assist beginners in making,
--DR. WILSON'S observations on.
_Clause_, see _Member_.
_Climax_, defined.
_Cognomination_, relation of the article, in instances of, ("_Alexander the
_Collective noun_, defined.
--_Collective nouns_, forms of, sing. and plur.; how understood,
--gend. of, how determined,
--by what relative represented.
--_Collec. noun_, represented by plur. pron.,
--in what two ways may be taken, and with what accord of pron.; the
plur. construc. of, under what fig. of synt. ranked by the old
--whether with a sing. definitive, admits a plur. verb or pronoun.
--_Collec. nouns_ generally admit of plur. form.
--_Collect. noun_, represented by sing. pron. neut.,
--uniformity of numb. to be preserved in words constructed with,
--agreem. of verb with,
--how determined whether it conveys the idea of plurality or not,
--strictures on the rules of ADAM, LOWTH, _et. al._, concerning,
--NIX. notion of the construc. of verb and.
--_Coll. nouns_, partitive of plur., construc. of,
--as expressing collections of persons, or coll. of things, which most
often taken plurally,
--when not plur. in form, whether it admits of plur. adj. before it.
_Colon_, from what takes its name,
--for what used,
--in what year adopted in England,
--its utility maintained against some objectors,
--Rules for the use of,
--used by some between numb. of chap. and that of verse, in quotations
from the Bible.
_Comma_, from what takes its name,
--what denotes,
--less common in Germ. than in Eng.,
--its ancient form,
--Rules for the use of,
--use of, in a series of words.
_Commanding, desiring, expecting_, &c., verbs of, to what actions or
events, refer.
_Commandments_, the ten, how expressed as to _forms_ of verb,
--by what points divided in books,
--example of, versified in iamb. hexameter, by DR. WATTS.
_Common gender_, unnecessary and improper term in Eng. gram.
_Common noun_, defined,
--when admits of no art.,
--with def. art. sometimes becomes p