f certain compound terms, ("_Ave-Maries_," &c.,)
--wanting to some nouns,
--of nouns of multitude,
--_Plural_, nouns made so by nature or art,
--of foreign nouns, 253,
--improperly formed by adding apostrophic _s_,
--of mere characters, how denoted,
_Plurality_, the idea of; see _Unity_, &c.
_Poetic feet_, treated,
--(See _Iambus, Trochee_, &c.)
--_Poetic foot_, of what consists,
--_Poet. feet_, number to be recognized in Eng.,
--principal Eng., named and defined,
--kinds of, which form ORDERS OF VERSE,
--what combinations of, severally form _dimeter, trimeter_, &c.,
--(See _Dimeter, Trimeter_, &c.)
--_Poetic_ collocation of words, in prose, as offending against
perspicuity, PREC. respecting,
--_Poetic diction_, treated,
--in what abounds,
--_Poetical Peculiarities_,
_Poetry_, as defined by BLAIR,
--character of its style,
--aim and end of,
--exterior distinction of,
--why difficult, by a definition, to be distinguished from prose,
--inept directions of some grammatists respecting the parsing of,
--_Poetry_, every line in, should begin with a capital,
_Points_, or _stops_, the principal, named, and their forms shown,
--the purpose of,
--length of pauses denoted by,
--often variously used in different editions of the same work,
--origin of, See _Punctuation_.
_Points_ of the compass, adjectives for; modes of varying them,
_Possession_, relation of, see _Property_.
_Possessive case_, defined,
--_Poss. case_, how formed
--disputes of the earlier grammarians respecting,
--CARD. _et al._ attempt to revive exploded error concerning,
--form of,
--origin of, in Eng.,
--odd notions of some grammarians concerning the regular formation of
--exceptions or irregularities in the formation of
--_Poss. case_, PEI. on, criticised
--ASH and PRIESTL. on the plur.
--use of the two forms of, in pers. pronouns
--_of the simp. pers. pronouns_, grammarians differ with respect to;
should not be considered mere adjectives
--are pronom. adjectives, according to DR. LOWTH and his followers,
--whose doctrine BROWN canvasses, also, WEBSTER'S, WILSON'S, MURRAY'S
--_Poss. case_, its equivalence to _of_ and the objective, not a
_sameness of case_, (in oppos. to Nix.)
--of pronouns, not to be written with apostrophe
--of nouns in appos.,