rm, how marked
--declaratively put, how uttered and marked
--in _Spanish_, doubly marked, ("?Quien llama?";) in Greek, how
_Quite_, with art. and adj., construc. how differs according to position of
_Quotation_, direct, first word of, written with capital
--_Quotations_ of proof-texts, &c., should be literally given
--dependent, separated from _say_, &c., by comma
--indep., preceded by colon
--_Quotat. within a quotat._, how usually marked
_Quoth_ and _quod_, signif. and use of, in ludicrous lang. or in the old
R, name and plur. numb.
--of the class liquids
--sound of; do., how can be varied in utterance
--what faults to be avoided in do.
--DR. JOH. account of; WALK. do.
_Radicals_, separable and inseparable, what are so called in Eng.
_Rath_, adv., used only in the compar. deg.
--_Rather_, with the exclusive term of comparis. introduced by _than_
--derivation of
_Reading, to read_, in gram., what the signif. of
--READ, verb, CONJUGATED _affirmatively_ in Comp. Form
_Reciprocal terms, reciprocals_, what pronom. adjectives may be so termed
--_Reciprocals_, EACH OTHER, ONE AN OTHER, their nature and import
--misapplicat. of, frequent in books; WEBST. errs in the signif. and
applicat. of _other_. See also _Other_
_Reciprocal_ or reflected verbs, constructions in imitation of the French
_Recurrence_ of a word in different senses, a fault opposed to propriety
_Redundant verb_, defined
--_Redund. verbs_, why made a separate class
--List of
_Reference_, marks of, ASTERISK, OBELISK, &c., shown; in what _order_ are
--what other signs of, may be used. _Reference, doubtful_, Crit. N.
_Reformers_ of the Eng. alphabet and orthog., some account of
_Rejoice, resolve, incline_, &c., import of, in the pass. form
_Relations_ of things, their infinitude and diversity; the nature of
--_Relation of words_, what
--is diff. from agreem., but may coincide with it
--_Relation_ according to _the sense_, an important principle in Eng.
synt.; what _rules_ of relation commonly found in the grammars
--Simple _relation_, what parts of speech have no other syntact.
property than; what simp. _relations_ there are in Eng.
--_Relation_, with respect to a prep., _anteced. term_, what may be;
_subseq._, do.