charac. of those of MURR., shown,
--the true nature of; how may be used; to what is applicable; the
explanations of, by the copyists of MURR., criticised,
--whether not applicable to _two_ objects,
--_when employed_, what construc. of the latter term should follow.
--_Double superlatives_, to be avoided.
--_Superl. termination_, contractions of.
_Supplied_, in parsing, what must be. See also _Ellipsis_.
_Suppression_, mark of, see _Ellipsis_.
_Syllabic_ writing, far inferior to the alphabetic, BLAIR.
_Syllabication_, Rules of,
--the doctrine of, why attended with difficulty,
--object of; WALK. on; strictures on MULK. rules of,
--which of the four purposes of, is preferable in spelling-books and
--DR. LOWTH on,
--nature of BROWN'S six Rules of; advantage of a system of, founded on
the pronunciat.,
--LATH. and FOWL. fictitious dilemmas in.
--_Syllabication_, erroneous, samples of, from MURR., WEBST., _et al_.
SYLLABLES, treated.
--_Syllable_ defined.
--_Syllable_, cannot be formed without a vowel,
--cannot be broken.
--_Syllables_, numb. of, in a word,
--words denominated from their numb. of,
--the ear chiefly directs in the division of words into.
--(See _Syllabication_.)
--_Syllable_, its quantity in poetry,
--do., on what depends.
_Syllepsis_, explained,
--literal signif. of the term; extended applicat. of do. by the
grammarians and rhetoricians; BROWN, by his definition, gives it a
more restricted applicat.; disapproves of WEBST. explanat. of the
--what definition or what applicat. of the term is the most approp.,
has become doubtful.
_Synaeresis_, explained.
_Synchysis_, what was so termed by some of the ancients; is different from
_hyperbaton_; its import in gram.; its literal signif.
_Syncope_, explained.
_Synecdoche_, (comprehension,) explained.
--_Synecd._, agreem. of pron. with anteced., in cases of.
_Synonymous_, words so accounted, PREC. concerning the use of.
_Syntactical parsing_, see _Parsing_.
--_Synt._, of what treats,
--the _relation_ of words, the most important principle of; defects of
the grammars in treating of do.,
--false exhibitions of grammarians with respect to the scope and parts
--character of the rules of, found in most grammars,
--divided by some