tinct subject phrases connected by _and_
--do., with disjunct. nominatives
--do., with disagreeing nominatives connected disjunctively
--do., when connected nominatives require different forms of the verb
--do., with distinct phrases disjunct, connected
--_Verbs_, connected by _and, or_, or _nor_, how must agree
--discordant, how managed with respect to agreem.
--_Verb_, mixture of the diff. styles of, ineleg.
--diff. moods of, not to be used under the same circumstances
--when two connected terms require diff. forms of, what insertion is
--_Verbs_ of _commanding, desiring, expecting_, &c., to what actions or
events refer
--of _desisting, omitting_, &c., with a part. following, rather than an
--of _preventing_, what should be made to govern
--_Verb_, finite, punc. of
--ellips. of, shown
--derivation of, from nouns, adjectives, and verbs
--poet. peculiarities in the use of
_Verbosity_, as affecting strength
_Verse_, in oppos. to prose, what
--_Blank verse_, as distinguished from rhyme
--_Verse_, general sense of the term; its derivation and literal
signif.; the visible form of _verse_
--_Verse_, as defined by JOH., WALK., _et al_.; do. by WEBST.
--_Verse_, Eng., the difficulty of treating the subject of, and from
what this arises
--A _verse_, or line of poetry, of what consists
--_Verse_, or poetic measure, the kinds, or orders of, named; (see
_Iambic Verse, Trochaic Verse_, &c.)
--_Verse_, the proper reading of
--_Versification_, defined
--_Versification_, POE'S (E. A.) notions concerning; his censure of
BROWN'S former definition of; his rejection of the idea of versif.
from the principle of rhythm; his unfortunate derivat. of _rhythm_
from [Greek: hurithmos,] and vain attempts to explain the term: the
farrago summarily disposed of by BROWN
--EVERETT'S "System of Eng. Versification," account of, and strictures
_Vision_, or _imagery_, explained
_Vocative case_ of Lat. and Gr. gram., not known in Eng.
_Voice_, ACTIVE, and PASSIVE, whether necessary terms in Eng. gram.
_Vowel_, defined
--_Vowels_ named
--_W_ and _Y_, when vowels; comp.
--_Vowel sounds_, or vocal elements, the different, how produced
--what are those in Eng.
--how each may be variously expressed by lett