do., with antecedent nouns of time, &c., how far
--derivation of, from Anglo-Sax.
_Whether_, as an interrog. pron.; as a disjunc. conjunc.
--conjunc. corresponsive to _or_
--as do., its derivation from Sax.
_Which_, relative
--its former use; to what objects now confined
--its use after a personal term taken by meton. for a thing; do., as
still applicable to persons
--is of all the genders, (in oppos. to MURR., WEBST., _et. al._,)
--is less approp. than _who_, in all personifications
--its construc. when taken in its discrim. sense,
--how differs from the rel. _that_
--BLAIR'S incorrect remarks respecting
--_Which_, as rel. or interrog., declined
--_Which_, sometimes takes _whose_ for its poss.,
--represents a prop. name taken merely as a name, ("_Herod_
--WHICH _is but_," &c.,)
--do. nouns of mult, expressing persons, when such are strictly of the
neut. gend., ("The COMMITTEES WHICH" &c.,)
--in what cases is less approp. than _that_
--does not fitly represent an indicative assertion, ('"Be ATTENTIVE,
_without_ WHICH," &c.,)
--its Sax. derivation shown
--_The which_, obsol.,
--_Which_, interrog., what demands,
--to what objects applied
--now used for the obsol. _whether_.
_Whichever, whichsoever_, signif. and construc. of
--declension of.
_Who_, relative
--to what usually applied
--has superseded _which_, formerly applied to persons, ("_Our Father_
WHO _art_" &c.,)
--to be preferred to _which_, in all personifications
--how differs from the rel. _that_
--_Who_, as rel. or interrog., declined,
--_Whose_, use of, for the defec. poss., _of which_
--_Than whom_, (see _Than._)
--_Who_, interrog., what demands
--may be the anteced. of the rel. _that_
--_Who_, derivation of, from Sax.
_Whoever_, and _whoso_ or _whosoever_, signif. and construc. of
--declens. of
--_Whoso_ and _whatso_, antiq., import and use of,
_Whole_, improp. use of, for _all_. ("_Almost the_ WHOLE _inhabitants_,"
_Why_, after nouns of cause, (see _When_, &c.)
--_Why, wherefore, therefore_, their class.
_Will_, verb, how varied
--use of, as a principal verb.
_Wis_, verb, pret. _wist_, signif. and use of
--_Had I wist_,
_With_, for _and_, (see _Cum_:)
--added to adv. of direc., with emphat. imperat. ("_Up_ WITH _it_").