--varieties of,
--_Elegiac stanza_, described.
--_Stanzas, lyric_, examples of,
--"A GOOD NAME," ("two beautiful little _stanzas_," BROWN).
_Star_, or _asterisk_, use of.
--_Three stars_, or _asterism_,
_Stenotone_, or _breve_, for what used.
_Stops_, in printing or writing, see _Points_.
_Strength_, as a quality of style, in what consists,
--essentials of,
--Precepts aiming at offences against.
_Strew_, whether, or not, an other mode of spelling _strow_; whether to be
distinguished in utterance from do.; whether reg. or irreg.
STYLE, qualities of, treated.
--_Style_, as connected with synt., what,
--differs from mere words and mere grammar; not regulated entirely by
rules of construc.,
--what relation has to the author himself, and what shows,
--general characters of, by what epithets designated.
--What must be remembered by the learner, in forming his _style_; a
good _style_ how acquired.
--_Style, solemn, familiar_, &c., as used in gram., what meant by.
--(See _Solemn Style_.)
_Subaudition_, meaning of the term. _Subdisjunctive_ particle, of the
Latins, expressed in Eng. by _or_ of alternat.
_Subject_ of a finite verb, what, and how may be known,
--must be the NOM. CASE,
--what besides a noun or pronoun may be.
--_Subject phrases_, joint, what agreements require.
--_Subject_ and _predicate_, in analysis. See also _Nominative Case_.
_Subjunctive mood_, defined.
--_Subj. mood_, why so called; what denotes,
--differing views of grammarians in regard to the numb. and form of its
--The true _subj. mood_ rejected by some late grammarians; strictures
--WELD'S erroneous teaching respecting the _subj._, noticed,
--CHAND. do., do.
--Chief characteristical diff. between the indic. and the _subj. mood_.
--_Subj. mood_ described,
--its two tenses do., and their forms shown, in the verb LOVE,
--whether ever put after a rel. pronoun,
--proper limits of,
--how properly employed.
--_False subj_.
--_Subj. mood_, not necessarily governed by _if, lest_, &c.
_Such_, corresponding to _that_, with infin. foll.,
--with rel. _as_ following, in stead of _who_ or _which_.
_Sui generis_, what thing is thus designated.
_Superlative degree_, defined,
--BROWN'S definit. of, and of the other degrees, _new_; the faulty