_Infinitive mood_, defined
--_Infin. mood_, so called in oppos. to the other moods
--usually distinguished by the prep. _to_ before it
--its _pres._, the ROOT, or radical verb; what _time_ it expresses
--archaic form in _en_
--its two tenses shown in the verb LOVE, conjug.
--Synt. of
--_Infin. mood_, by what governed; (see _To_:)
--true construc. of, explained by the 18th Rule of the Synt.
--why simple of solution in Eng.; whether ever governed by a prep, in
Fr., Span., or Ital.
--whimsical account of, given by NIX.
--how expressed in the Anglo-Sax. of the 11th century
--why may not, as some grammarians teach, be | considered a noun
--DR. WILS. on the charac. and import of
--to what other terms may be connected
--what in its nature, and for what things chiefly may stand
--taken abstractly, as subject of finite verb
--Loose _infinitives_, improp. in precise language
--_Infin. mood_, position of
--misplacement of, to be avoided
--distinction of voice in, often disregarded, ("_You are to_ BLAME;")
hypercrit. teachings of SANB. and BLAIR hereon
--_Infin._, after _bid, dare_, &c., without TO
--whether used with TO after _have, help_, and _find_
--_Infin._, BY WHAT _governed_, often imposs. to say, according to the
instructions of MURR.
--_Infinitives_ connected, governed by one preposition
--_Infinitive_, ellipsis of, after _to_, whether to be approved
--sometimes doubtful whether transitive or intransitive
--in pause, or in remote dependence, punct. of
--poet. placing of
--Greek construc. of, in poetic use
_Inflections_, defined
--rising and falling, explained; do., as applied to questions
--_notation_ of, in writing and printing
--the rising more numerous than the falling; predominance of the rising
in oral lang.; the falling, for what used, COMST.
--what kind of rules for, have been given by writers
--the rising and the falling, to be used with prop. discrimination;
what should determine the direction of
--_Inflection_, what constitutes the _circumflex_
_Innovation_ extravagant, into the system of synt. or gram., a particular
instance of, noticed
_Inscriptions_ appear best in full capitals
_Instead_, what reckoned, and how best written
_Intending_, &c., verbs of, see _Commanding_.
_Intensive_ nature of comparatives a