to a verb or part.
--derivation of, from Anglo-Sax.
_Nominative case_, defined
--_Nom. case_, how distinguished from the objective in nouns
--as subj. of a finite verb
--different ways of using
--_Nominative_ and verb, usual position of, and when varied
--_Nom. case_ and _object._, at the same time, noun placed in the
relation of
--_Nom_. following a verb or part, with what must accord in signif. See
also _Subject_, &c.
_Nominative sentences_, examples of what MURR. erron. so terms; the prop.
construc. shown
_Nor_, see _Or_.
_Not_, its place in negative questions
--how spoken in grave discourse, and how ordinarily
--vulg. contractions of, with certain verbs
--used with other negatives
--do. with _nor_ (in stead of _or_) following, whether correctly, or
--derivation of, from Anglo-Sax. _Not but_, how resolved. _Not only,
not merely_, to what are correspondents
_Notwithstanding_, import and construc. of; misunderstood by DR. WEBST.
--formation and signif. of
NOUNS, Etymol. of
--_Noun_, defined
--_Nouns_, Classes of, named and defined
--Modifications of, named
--Persons of, named and defined; (see _Persons_)
--Numbers of, do.; (see _Plural Number_)
--Genders of, do.; (see _Genders_)
--Cases of, do.; (see _Cases_)
--Declension of
--_Nouns_, number of, in Eng.
--the sense of, how made indefinitely partitive
--examples of words commonly belonging to other classes, used as
--_collective, abstract_, and _verbal_ or _participial_, included among
common nouns; (see _Collective Noun_, and _Particip. Noun_)
--proper, (see _Proper Names_)
--_Nouns_, Synt. of
--_Noun_, why may not be put in the relation of two cases at once
--taken figuratively sing. for literally plur.
--required to be repeated, or inserted, in stead of a pronoun
--ellips. of, shown
--_Nouns_ of _time, measure, distance_, &c., (see _Time_)
--_Nouns_, derivation of, from nouns, adjectives, verbs, or participles
--poet. peculiarities of
_Numbers_, the distinction of, to what belongs, and how applied. (See
_Plural Number_.) _Numbers_, cardinal, ordinal, &c., (see _Cardinal
Numbers_, &c.)
--_Numbers_, abstract, expressions of multiplication in, ("_Twice one_
IS _two_,"
--"_Twice two_ ARE _four_," &c.,) seven different opinions of
grammarians respecting,