kadon], Musgrave [Greek: leukotrichon
plokamois mallon]. Elmsley would substitute [Greek: probaton], "si [Greek:
probaton] apud Euripidem exstaret." This seems the most probable view as
yet expressed. The [Greek: eriosteptoi kladoi] are learnedly explained by
Lobeck on Ag. p. 375 sq., quoted by Dindorf. The [Greek: mallosis] or
insertion of spots of party-colored fur upon the plain skin of animals, was
a favorite ornament of the wealthy. The spots of ermine similarly used now
are the clearest illustration to which I can point. Lobeck also observes,
"[Greek: kata bakchiousthai] non bacchari significat, sed coronari."
[7] These ladies seem to have been rather undomestic in character, as Agave
makes this very fact a boast, vs. 1236.
[8] Cf. Apollodor. l. i., Sec. 3, interpp. ad Virg. G. iv. 152. Compare
Porphyr. de Nymph. Antr. p. 262, ad. Holst. [Greek: spelaia toinyn kai
antra ton palaiotaton prin kai naous epinoesai theois aphosiounton. kai en
Kretei men koureton, Dii en Arkadiai de, selenei kai Pani Lykeioi: kai en
Naxoi Dionysoi. pantachou d' hopou ton Mithran egnosan, dia spelaiou ton
theon hileoumenon]. Cf. Moll. ad Longi Past. i. 2. p. 22 sq. ed. Boden.
[9] Cf. Virg. AEn. iv. 301, and Ritterh. on Oppian, Cyn. i, 24.
[10] Compare the epithet of Bacchus [Greek: Omadios], Orph. Hymn. xxx. 5;
l. 7, which has been wrongly explained by Gesner and Hermann. The true
interpretation is given by Porphyr. de Abst. ii. 55, who states that human
sacrifices were offered [Greek: omadioi Dionysoi] the man being torn to
pieces ([Greek: diaapontes]).
[11] Persius i. 92. "et lynceus Maenas flexura corymbis Evion ingeminat,
reparabilis assonat Echo." Euseb. Pr. Ev. ii. 3, derives the cry from Eve!
[12] I should read this line interrogatively, with Elmsley.
[13] Quoted by Gellius, xiii. 18.
[14] Elmsley would read [Greek: makron to mellon]. Perhaps the true reading
is [Greek: mellein akairon] = _it is no season for delay_.
[15] The construction is so completely akward, that I almost feel inclined
to consider this verse as an interpolation, with Dindorf.
[16] Compare Nonnus, 45. p. 765 4. [Greek: Teiresian kai Kadmon atasthalon
iache Pentheus. Kadme, ti margaineis, tini daimoni komon egeireis; Kadme,
miainomenes apokattheo kisson etheires, Kattheo kai nartheka nooplaneos
Dionysou.... Nepie Teiresia stephanephore rhipson aetais Son plokamon tade
phylla nothon stephos, k.t.l.]
[17] Compare the opinion of Perseus in Cic