he referred to be agreed vpon by the two Alcaydes. But
the Friday being the 20. the Alcaydes could not intend it, and vpon
Saturday Alcayde Rodwan fell sicke, so on Sunday we made meanes to the
King, and that afternoone I was sent for to conferre vpon the bargaine with
the Alcaydes and others, but did not agree.
Vpon Tuesday I wrote a letter to the King for my dispatch, and the same
afternoone I was called againe to the Court, and referred all things to the
King, accepting his offer of Salt-peter.
That night againe the King had me into his Gallie, and the Spaniels did
hunt the ducke.
The Thursday I was appointed to way the 300. kintals grosse of Salt-peter,
and that afternoone the Tabybe came vnto mee to my lodging, shewing mee
that the king was offended with Iohn Bampton for diuers causes.
The Sunday night late being the 7. of Iuly, I got the King to forgiue all
to Iohn Bampton, and the King promised me to speake againe with me vpon
Vpon Tuesday I wrote to him againe for my dispatch, and then hee sent Fray
Lewes to mee, and said that he had order to write.
Vpon Wednesday I wrote againe, and he sent me word that vpon Thursday I
should come and be dispatched, so that I should depart vpon Friday without
faile, being the twelfth of Iuly.
[Sidenote: The Emperor of Maroco his priuileges to the English.] So the
Friday after according to the kings order and appointment I went to the
court, and whereas motion and petition was made for the confirmation of the
demaunds which I had preferred, they were all granted, and likewise the
priuileges which were on the behalfe of our English marchants requested,
were with great fauour and readinesse yeelded vnto. And whereas the Iews
there resident were to our men in certaine round summes indebted, the
Emperors pleasure and commandement was, that they should without further
excuse or delay, pay and discharge the same. And thus at length I was
dismissed with great honour and speciall countenance, such as hath not
ordinarily bene shewed to other Ambassadors of the Christians.
And touching the priuate affaires intreated vpon betwixt her Maiestie and
the Emperour, I had letters from him to satisfie her highnesse therein. So
to conclude, hauing receiued the like honourable conduct from his Court, as
I had for my part at my first landing, I embarked my selfe with my foresaid
company, and arriuing not long after in England, I repaired to her
Maiesties court, and ended my A