nding great
abundance of that fine clay to be solde at Liampo, and that very good
cheape, thought at the first that it had bene made there, howbeit in fine
they perceiued that the standing of Quinzi more neere vnto Liampo then to
Cinceo or Cantan was the cause of so much fine clay at Liampo: within the
compasse of Quinci shire be other 12. cities.
The 7. shire is Quicin, the 8. Quansi, the 9. Confu, the 10. Vrnan, the 11.
Sichiua. In the first hereof there be 16. Cities, in the next 15: how many
Townes the other 3. haue, wee are ignorant as yet, as also of the proper
names of the 12. and 13. shires, and the townes therein.
This finally may be generally said hereof, that the greater shires in China
prouince may bee compared with mightie kingdomes.
In eche one of these shires bee set Ponchiassini and Anchiassini, before
whom are handled the matters of other Cities. There is also placed in ech
one a Tutan, as you would say, a gouernour, and a Chian, that is a visiter,
as it were: whose office is to goe in circuit, and to see iustice exactly
done. By these meanes so vprightly things are ordered there, that it may be
worthily accompted one of the best gouerned prouinces in all the world.
The king maketh alwayes his abode in the great city Pachin, as much to say
in our language, as by the name thereof I am aduertised, the towne of the
kingdome. This kingdome is so large, that vnder fiue moneths you are not
able to trauaile from the Townes by the Sea side to the Court, and backe
againe, no not vnder three moneths in poste at your vrgent businesse. The
post-horses in this Countrey are litle of body, but swift of foote. Many
doe traueile the greater part of this iourney by water in certaine light
barkes, for the multitude of Riuers commodious for passage from one Citie
to another.
The king, notwithstanding the hugenesse of his kingdome, hath such a care
thereof, that euery Moone (for by the Moones they reckon their monethes)
hee is aduertised fully of whatsoeuer thing happeneth therein, by these
meanes following.
The whole prouince being diuided into shires, and each shire hauing in it
one chiefe and principall Citie, whereunto the matters of all the other
Cities, Townes and boroughes, are brought, there are drawen in euery chiefe
Citie aforesaid intelligences of such things as doe monethly fall out, and
be sent in writing to the Court. If happely in one moneth euery Post be not
able to goe so long a way, yet doeth th