that holy
monument without any reuerence or worship done thereunto at all.
It remaineth now we speake two or three wordes of those Sermons the Bonzii
are woont to make, not so many as ours in number, but assuredly very well
prouided for. The Pulpit is erected in a great temple with a silke Canopie
ouer it, therein standeth a costly seate, before the seate a table with a
bell and a booke. At the houre of Sermon each sect of the Iapans resorteth
to their owne doctors in diuers Temples. Vp goeth the doctor into the
Pulpit, and being set downe, after that hee hath lordlike looked him about,
signifieth silence with his bell, and so readeth a fewe wordes of that
booke we spake of, the which he expoundeth afterward, more at large. These
preachers be for the most part eloquent, and apt to drawe with their speach
the mindes of their hearers. Wherefore to this ende chieflie (such is their
greedinesse) tendeth all their talke, that the people bee brought vnder the
colour of godlinesse to enrich their monasteries, promising to each one so
much the more happinesse in the life to come, how much the greater costes
and charges they bee at in Church matters and obsequies: notwithstanding
this multitude of superstitious Sects and companies, and the diuersities
thereof amongst themselues: yet in this principally all their
Superintendents doe trauell so to perswade their Nouices in their owne
tales and lies, that they thinke nothing els trueth, nothing els sure to
come by euerlasting saluation, nothing els woorth the hearing. Whereunto
they adde other subtleties, as in going grauitie, in countenance, apparell,
and in all outward shew, comelinesse. Whereby the Iapans mindes are so
nousled in wicked opinions, and doe conceiue thereby such trust and hope of
euerlasting saluation, that not onely at home, but also abroad in euery
corner of the towne continually almost they run ouer their beades, humbly
asking of Amida and Xaca, wealth, honour, good health, and euerlasting
ioyes. Thus then, deare brethren, may you thinke how greatly they need the
helpe of God, that either doe bring the Gospell into this countrey, or
receiuing it brought vnto them, doe forsake idolatrie and ioine themselues
with Christ, being assaulted by so many snares of the deuill, troubled with
the daily dissuasions of their Bonzii, and finally, so iniuriously, so
hardly, so sharpely vexed of their kinred and friends, that except the
grace of God obtained by the sacrifices and