bited, the
townes built of stone, the people rude in conditions, apparelled in diuers
coloured rugs, with two oxe hornes, as it were, made of fine cypres hanging
downe about their eares, and a paire of sharpe cyzers at their foreheads.
The cause wherefore they go in such attire I could not vnderstand, except
it bee for that they do counterfeit the deuil in the forme of a brute
beast, offring themselues vp to him.
Santianum is an Ile neere vnto the hauen Cantan in the confines likewise of
China, famous for the death of that worthy traueiler and godly professour
and painfull doctor of the Indian nation in matters concerning religion,
Francis Xauier, who after great labours, many iniuries, and calamities
infinite suffred with much patience, singular ioy and gladnesse of mind,
departed in a cabben made of bowes and rushes vpon a desert mountaine, no
lesse voyd of all worldly commodities, then endued with all spirituall
blessings, out of this life, the 2 day of December, the yeere of our Lord
1552. after that many thousand of these Easterlings were brought by him to
the knowledge of Christ. Of this holy man, his particular vertues, and
specially trauell, and wonderfull works in that region, of other many litle
Iles (yet not so litle, but they may right wel be written of at laisure)
all the latter histories of the Indian regions are full.
* * * * *
An excellent treatise of the kingdome of China, and of the estate and
gouernment thereof: Printed in Latine at Macao a citie of the Portugals
in China, An. Dom. 1590. and written Dialogue-wise. The speakers are
Linus, Leo, and Michael.
Concerning the kingdome of China (Michael) which is our next neighbour, we
haue heard and daily do heare so many reports, that we are to request at
your hands rather a true then a large discourse and narration thereof. And
if there be ought in your knowledge besides that which by continual rumours
is waxen stale among vs, we will right gladly giue diligent eare vnto it.
MICHAEL. Because the report of this most famous kingdome is growen so
common among vs, reducing diuers and manifold particulars into order, I
will especially aime at the trueth of things receiued from the fathers of
the societie, which euen now at this present are conuersant in China.
[Sidenote: The situation and limites of China.] First of all therefore it
is not vnknowen, that of all parts of the maine continent this kingdom o