prayers of the Catholique
church doe helpe vs, it cannot be chosen but that the faith and constancie
of many, if not of all, in these first beginnings of our churches, will
greatly be put in ieopardie. So much the more it standeth you vpon that so
earnestly long for the health of soules, to commend specially these
Iapanish flocks vnto our Lord.
We came to Sacaio the eight and twentie day of Ianuary: Aloisius Almeida
first for businesse, but afterward let by sicknesse, staied there some
while, but I parting the next day from thence came thirteene leagues off to
Meaco the last of Ianuarie. Of my comming all the Christians tooke great
comfort, but specially Gaspar Vilela who in 6 yeres had seen none of our
companie at Meaco: his yeeres are not yet fortie, but his grey haires shew
him to be seuentie, so vehemently is his litle body afflicted and worne
with extreme cold. Hee speaketh Iapanish so skilfully after the phrase of
Meaco (the which for the renowne of this people and royal seat of the king
is best accounted of) that hee doeth both confesse and preach in that
language. Certaine godly bookes also he hath done into that speach, not
omitting to translate other as laisure suffreth him. To make an ende, our
Lord for his goodnesse vouchsafe to preserue vs all continually, and to
giue vs ayde both rightly to interprete his will, and well to doe the same.
From Meaco the 19 of February 1565.
Other such like matter is handled both in other his letters, and also in
the Epistles written by his companions to be seene at large in the
aforesaid volume. Amongst the rest this seemed in my iudgement one of the
principall, and therefore the rather I tooke vpon me to doe it into
* * * * *
Of the Iles beyond Iapan in the way from China to the Moluccas.
Amongst other Iles in the Asian sea betwixt Canton a Chinish hauen in
Cathaio and the Moluccas, much spoken of in the Indian histories and
painted out in Maps, Ainan and Santianum are very famous. Ainan standeth 19
degrees on this side of the Equinoctiall line neere China, from whence the
Chinish nation haue their prouision for shipping and other necessaries
requisite for their Nauie. There staied Balthasar Gagus a great traueiler 5
moneths, who describeth that place after this maner. [Sidenote: De reb.
Iap. li. 4.] Ainan is a goodly countrey ful of Indian fruits and all kinds
of victuals, besides great store of iewels and pearle, well inha