nocents cause would haue: but we in a heathen
Countrey, hauing our great enemies two of the chiefest men in a whole
Towne, wanting an interpreter, ignorant of that Countrey language, did in
the end see our great aduersaries cast into prison for our sake, and
depriued of their Offices and honour for not doing iustice, yea not to
escape death: for, as the rumour goeth, they shalbe beheaded. Somewhat is
now to be said of the lawes that I haue bene able to know in this Countrey,
and first, no theft or murther is at any time pardoned: adulterers are put
in prison, and the fact once prooued, are condemned to die, the womans
husband must accuse them: this order is kept with men and women found in
that fault, but theeues and murderers are imprisoned as I haue said, where
they shortly die for hunger and cold. If any one happely escape by bribing
the Gailer to giue him meate, his processe goeth further, and commeth to
the Court where he is condemned to die. [Sidenote: A pillory boord.]
Sentence being giuen, the prisoner is brought in publique with a terrible
band of men that lay him in Irons hand and foot, with a boord at his necke
one handfull broad, in length reaching downe to his knees, cleft in two
parts, and with a hole one handfull downeward in the table fit for his
necke, the which they inclose vp therein, nailing the boord fast together;
one handfull of the boord standeth vp behinde in the necke: The sentence
and cause wherefore the fellon was condemned to die, is written in that
part of the table that standeth before.
This ceremony ended, he is laid in a great prison in the company of some
other condemned persons, the which are found by the king as long as they do
liue. The bord aforesaid so made tormenteth the prisoners very much,
keeping them both from rest, and eke letting them to eat commodiously,
their hands being manacled in irons vnder that boord, so that in fine there
is no remedy but death. In the chiefe Cities of euery shire, as we haue
erst said, there be foure principall houses, in ech of them a prison: but
in one of them, where the Taissu maketh his abode, there is a greater and a
more principall prison then in any of the rest: and although in euery City
there be many, neuerthelesse in three of them remaine onely such as be
condemned to die. Their death is much prolonged, for that ordinarily there
is no execution done but once a yeere, though many die for hunger and cold,
as we haue seene in this prison. Exec