es, that the standers by tremble at their crueltie.
Ten stripes draw a great deale of blood, 20. or 30. spoile the flesh
altogether, 50. or 60. will require long time to bee healed, and if they
come to the number of one hundred, then are they incurable.
The Louteas obserue moreouer this: when any man is brought before them to
be examined, they aske him openly in the hearing of as many as be present,
be the offence neuer so great. Thus did they also behaue themselues with
vs: For this cause amongst them can here be no false witnesse, as daily
amongst vs it falleth out. This good commeth thereof, that many being
alwayes about the Iudge to heare the euidence, and beare witnesse, the
processe cannot be falsified, as it happeneth sometimes with vs. The
Moores, Gentiles, and Iewes haue all their sundry othes, the Moores do
sweare by their Mossafos, the Brachmans by their Fili, the rest likewise by
the things they do worship. The Chineans though they be wont to sweare by
heauen, by the Moone, by the Sunne, and by all their Idoles, in iudgement
neuertheless they sweare not at all. If for some offence an othe be vsed of
any one, by and by with the least euidence he is tormented, so be the
witnesses he bringeth, if they tell not the trueth, or do in any point
disagree, except they be men of worship and credit, who are beleeued
without any further matter: the rest are made to confesse the trueth by
force of torments and whips. Besides this order obserued of them in
examinations, they do feare so much their King, and he where he maketh his
abode keepeth them so lowe, that they dare not once stirre. Againe, these
Louteas as great as they be, notwithstanding the multitude of Notaries they
haue, not trusting any others, do write all great processes and matters of
importance themselues. Moreouer one vertue they haue worthy of great
praise, and that is, being men so wel regarded and accompted as though they
were princes, yet they be patient aboue measure in giuing audience. We
poore strangers brought before them might say what we would, as all to be
lyes and fallaces that they did write, ne did we stand before them with the
usuall ceremonies of that Countrey, yet did they beare with vs so
patiently, that they caused vs to wonder, knowing specially how litle any
aduocate or Iudge is wont in our Countrey to beare with vs. For wheresoeuer
in any Towne of Christendome should be accused vnknowen men as we were, I
know not what end the very in