e obserue in doing of
iustice, that it be knowen how farre these Gentiles do herein exceed many
Christians, that be more bounden then they to deale iustly and in trueth.
Because the Chinish king maketh his abode continually in the city of
Pachin, his kingdome is so great, and the shires so many, as tofore it hath
bene said: in it therefore the gouernours and rulers, much like vnto our
Shireffs, be appointed so suddenly and speedily discharged againe, that
they haue no time to grow naught. Furthermore to keepe the state in more
securitie, the Louteas that gouerne one shire are chosen out of some other
shire distant farre off, where they must leaue their wiues, children and
goods, carying nothing with them but themselues. True it is, that at their
comming thither they doe finde in a readinesse all things necessary, their
house, furniture, seruants, and all other things in such perfection and
plentie, that they want nothing. Thus the king is well serued without all
feare of treason.
In the principall Cities of the shires be foure chiefe Louteas, before whom
are brought all matters of the inferiour Townes, throughout the whole
Realme. Diuers other Louteas haue the managing of iustice, and receiuing of
rents, bound to yeelde an accompt thereof vnto the greater officers. Other
do see that there be no euil rule kept in the Citie: ech one as it behoueth
him. [Sidenote: The Italians call it the strapado.] Generally all these doe
imprison malefactors, cause them to be whipped and racked, hoysing them vp
and downe by the armes with a cord, a thing very vsuall there, and
accompted no shame. These Louteas do vse great diligence in the
apprehending of theeues, so that it is a wonder to see a theefe escape away
in any City, towne or village. Vpon the sea neere vnto the shoare many are
taken, and looke euen as they are taken, so be they first whipped, and
afterward layde in prison, where shortly after they all die for hunger and
cold. At that time when we were in prison, there died of them aboue
threescore and ten. If happely any one, hauing the meanes to get food, do
escape, he is set with the condemned persons, and prouided for as they be
by the King, in such wise as hereafter it shalbe said.
Their whips be certaine pieces of canes, cleft in the middle, in such sort
that they seeme rather plaine then sharpe. He that is to be whipped lieth
groueling on the ground: vpon his thighes the hangman layeth on blowes
mightily with these can