e of China is diuided, as I haue said, into 13. shires, in
euery shire at the least is one gouernour called there Tutan, in some
shires there be two.
[Sidenote: Chian, or, Chaen.] Chiefe in office next vnto them be certaine
other named Chians, that is, high Commissioners as you would say, visiters,
with full authoritie in such wise, that they doe call vnto an accompt the
Tutans themselues, but their authoritie lasteth not in any shire longer
then one yere. Neuerthelesse in euery shire being at the least 7. cities,
yea, in some of them 15. or 16. beside other boroughes and townes not well
to be numbred, these visiters where they come are so honoured and feared,
as though they were some great princes. At the yeres end, their circuit
done, they come vnto that Citie which is chiefe of others in the shire, to
do iustice there: finally busying themselues in the searching out of such
as are to receiue the order of Louteas, whereof more shalbe said in another
Ouer and beside these officers, in the chiefe Citie of ech one of these
aforesaid 13. prouinces, is resident one Ponchiassi, Captaine thereof, and
treasurer of all the kings reuenues. This Magistrate maketh his abode in
one of the foure greatest houses that be in all these head Cities. And
although the principall part of his function be to be Captaine, to be
treasourer of the reuenues in that prouince, and to send these reuenues at
appointed times to the Court: yet hath he notwithstanding by his office
also to meddle with matters appertaining vnto iustice.
[Sidenote: Anchiassi, or Hexasi.] In the second great house dwelleth an
other Magistrate called Anchiassi, a great officer also, for he hath
dealings in all matters of iustice. Who although he be somewhat inferior in
dignitie vnto the Ponchiassi, yet for his great dealings and generall
charge of iustice, whosoeuer seeth the affaires of the one house and the
other might iudge this Anchiassi to be the greater.
Tuzi, an other officer so called, lieth in the thirde house, a magistrate
of importance, specially in things belonging vnto warfare, for thereof hath
he charge.
There is resident in the 4 house a fourth officer, bearing name Taissu. In
this house is the principall prison of all the Citie. Ech one of these
Magistrates aforesaide may both lay euill doers in prison, and deliuer them
out againe, except the fact be heinous and of importance: in such a case
they can do nothing, except they do meet al togeth