er. And if the deed
deserueth death, all they together cannot determine thereof, without
recourse made vnto the Chian wheresoeuer hee be, or to the Tutan; and eft
soones it falleth put, that the case is referred vnto higher power. In all
Cities, not onely chiefe in ech shire, but in the rest also, are meanes
found to make Louteas. Many of them do study at the prince his charges,
wherefore at the yeeres ende they resort vnto the head Cities, whither the
Chians doe come, as it hath bene earst aside, as well to giue these
degrees, as to sit in iudgement ouer the prisoners.
The Chians go in circuit euery yeere, but such as are to be chosen to the
greatest offices meete not but from three yeeres to three yeeres, and that
in certaine large halles appointed for them to be examined in. Many things
are asked them, whereunto if they doe answere accordingly, and be found
sufficient to take their degree, the Chian by and by granteth it them: but
the Cap and girdle, whereby they are knowen to be Louteas, they weare not
before that they be confirmed by the king. Their examination done, and
triall made of them, such as haue taken their degree wont to be giuen them
with all ceremonies, vse to banquet and feast many dayes together (as the
Chineans fashion is to ende all their pleasures with eating and drinking)
and so remaine chosen to do the king seruice in matters of learning. The
other examinates founde insufficient to proceed are sent backe to their
studie againe. Whose ignorance is perceiued to come of negligence and
default, such a one is whipped, and sometimes sent to prison, where lying
that yere when this kinde of acte was, we found many thus punished, and
demaunding the cause thereof, they saide it was for that they knew not how
to answere vnto certaine things asked them. It is a world to see how these
Louteas are serued and feared, in such wise, that in publike assemblies at
one shrike they giue, all the seruitors belonging vnto iustice tremble
thereat. At their being in these places, when they list to mooue, be it but
euen to the gate, these seruitors doe take them vp, and carry them in
seates of beaten gold. After this sort are they borne when they goe in the
City, either for their owne businesse abroade, or to see ech other at home.
For the dignitie they haue, and office they doe beare, they be all
accompanied: the very meanest of them all that goeth in these seates is
vshered by two men at the least, that cry vnto the peop