yage intended by the Streights of Magellan for
the South sea, as Viceadmirall, (wherein he shewed singular resolution and
courage) and appointed afterward in diuers places of speciall command and
credite, was last of all miserably drowned in a great and rich Spanish
prize vpon the coast of Cornwall.
* * * * *
Certaine reports of the prouince of China learned through the Portugals
there imprisoned, and chiefly by the relation of Galeotto Perera, a
gentleman of good credit, that lay prisoner in that Countrey many yeeres.
Done out of Italian into English by Richard Willes.
This land of China is parted into 13. Shires, the which sometimes were ech
one a kingdome by it selfe, but these many yeeres they haue bene all
subiect vnto one King. Fuquien is made by the Portugals the first Shire,
because there their troubles began, and they had occasion thereby to know
the rest. In the shire be 8 cities, but one principally more famous then
others called Fuquieo, the other seuen are reasonably great, the best
knowen whereof vnto the Portugals is Cinceo, in respect of a certaine hauen
ioyning thereunto, whither in time past they were wont for marchandise.
Cantan is the second shire, not so great in quantitie, as well accompted
of, both by the king thereof, and also by the Portugals, for that it lieth
neerer vnto Malacca then any other part of China, and was first discried by
the Portugals before any other shire in that prouince: this shire hath in
it seuen Cities.
Chequeam is the third shire, the chiefest Citie therein is Donchion,
therein also standeth Liampo, with other 13. or 14. boroughes: countrey
townes therein are too too many to be spoken of.
The fourth shire is called Xutiamfu, the principall Citie thereof is great
Pachin, where the King is alwayes resident. In it are fifteene other very
great Cities: of other townes therein, and boroughes well walled and
trenched about, I will say nothing.
The fift shire hath name Chelim: the great Citie Nanquin chiefe of other
fifteene cities was herein of ancient time the royall seat of the Chinish
kings. From this shire, and from the aforesaid Chequeam forward bare rule
the other kings, vntil the whole region became one kingdome.
[Sidenote: Quianci, or, Quinzi.] The 6. shire beareth the name Quianci, as
also the principal City thereof, wherein the fine clay to make vessels is
wrought. The Portugals being ignorant of this Countrey, and fi