d espied our flag, perceiuing vs
to be Englishman, he bare with the shore, and hailed our ships with his
ordinance, at which time we the merchants of both the ships were in the
riuer in traffike, and had vnderstanding of the Negroes that he had bene
there three dayes before our comming: so we concluded together, that if he
sent his pinnesse to traffike, we would not suffer him, vntill we had taken
further order with their captaine and marchants. In the afternoone the
pinnesse came into the riuer, whose men we willed to make no traffike
vntill we had talked further with their captaine, whom we willed that night
to come aboord our admirall: which was done. At which sayd time M. Burton
and Iohn Munt went aboord the Minion where the Frenchmen were, and there
concluded that they should tary by vs eight dayes, and suffer vs quietly to
traffike, wherewith they were not well pleased. Wherevpon the next morning
they departed from vs, sailing alongst the coast to the Eastward towards
Potis, which he did to hinder our traffike that way: wherefore the
marchants of the Minion and we concluded (forasmuch as at that present we
vnderstood that were no sailes past alongst) that we should go before, to
the end we might not be hindered of our traffike by the Frenchmen; which
thing we did: and at our comming thither we found the Frenchmen in traffike
to the West of Potis, by whom we passed, and arriued at Rio de Potis the 12
of April, where we remained in traffike vntill the 15 of the sayd moneth,
and then departed from thence along the coast toward Sant Andre, where we
appointed by agreement to tary for the Minion; and the 17 at night we came
to the riuer of S. Andre, in which very day the Minion came vnto vs,
telling vs that they met at cauo das Palmas a great ship and a caruell of
the king of Portugals bound to the Mina, who gaue chase vnto them, and shot
freely at them, and the Minion in her defence returned her the like: but
God be praised the Minion had no hurt for that time. In the end we
concluded to hasten towards cauo de tres puntus to haue put them from the
castle, if by any meanes wee might; and when wee were come to the Cape, we
lay a hull one night and two dayes, and doubting they had bene past, the
Minion went neere the shore, and sent her merchants to a place called Anta,
where beforetime we had traffike, and the next morning very early being the
21 of the sayd moneth, we againe had sight of the ship and the carauell a
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