sent his pinnasse a land, and
found fiue or sixe small houses, but the people were fled into the
mountains: and the next day he sent a shore againe, and met with two
Portugals, who willingly went aboord with his men, and at their comming he
welcommed them, although they were but poore and simple, and gaue each of
them a paire of shoes, and so set them a shore againe.
The 30 day we weighed and sailed into a Bay within a small Iland about a
league from vs, and tooke plentie of diuers sortes of fishe. The foresayd
Iland lieth in sixteene degrees. And if you meane to anker in the said Bay,
you may borow in four or fiue fadome of the Southermost point of the sayd
Iland, which you may see when you ride in the road. But beware of the
middle of the Baie, for there lieth a ledge of rocks, which at lowe water
breaketh, yet there is three fadome water ouer them.
The last day of Ianuarie our Generall with certaine of his men went a shore
in the Baie to the houses, where be found 12 Portugals. In all the Iland
there were not aboue 30 persons, which were banished men for a time, some
for more yeeres, some for lesse, and amongst them there was one simple man
which was their captaine.
They liue vpon goats flesh, cocks, hennes, and fresh water: other victuals
they haue none, sauing fish, which they esteeme not, neither haue they any
boats to take them.
They reported that this Iland was giuen by the king of Portugall to one of
his gentlemen, who hath let it foorth to rent for one hundreth duckats a
yeere, which rent is reared onely in goates skinnes. For by their speaches
there hath bene sent foorth of the sayd Iland into Portugall 40000 skins in
one yeere.
We were to these men marueilously welcome, and to their powers very wel
entertained, and they gaue vs the flesh of as many hee-goates as wee would
haue, and tooke much paines for vs in taking them, and bringing them from
the mountains vpon their asses.
They haue there great store of the oyle of Tortoises, which Tortoise is a
fish which swimmeth in the Sea, with a shell on his backe as broad as a
target. It raineth not in this Iland but in three moneths of the yeere,
from the midst of Iuly to the midst of October, and it is here alwayes very
hote. Kine haue bene brought hither, but by reason of the heate and drought
they haue died.
The 3 of February wee departed from this Iland, and the same day fell with
another Iland called the Iland of Maiyo, which is 14 leagues from t