But the Portugales
earnestly intreated our Captaine not so to forsake them, and promised him
(if he would safegard them) to giue him aboue the bargain ten chests of
sugar: whereupon our Captaine was content, and the Portugall not being good
of sayle, we spared our topsayles for her; so at last the foresaid ship
bare with vs, and (seeing that we did not feare them) gaue vs ouer. And the
next morning came two others bearing with vs, and seeing vs not about to
flie a iot from them forsooke vs also.
The 5 day of Iune we had sight of the Stert, and about noone we were thwart
of the bay of Lime, and so sounded and had 35 fadom water.
The sixt day we came in at the Needles and so came to an anker vnder the
Isle of Wight at a place called Meadhole, and from thence sayled to
Southampton where we made an ende of this voyage.
* * * * *
The Ambassage of M. Edmund Hogan, one of the sworne Esquires of her
Maiesties person, from her Highnesse to Mully Abdelmelech Emperour of
Marocco, and king of Fes and Sus: in the yeere 1577, written by himselfe.
I Edmund Hogan being appointed Ambassadour from the Queenes Maiestie to the
aboue named Emperour and King Mully Abdelmelech, departed with my company
and seruants from London the two and twentie day of April 1577, being
imbarked in the good ship called the Gallion of London, and arriued in
Azafi a port of Barbarie the one and twentie day of May next following.
Immediatly I sent Leonell Edgerton a shoare with my letters directed to
Iohn Williams and Iohn Bampton, who dispatched a Trottero to Marocco to
knowe the kings pleasure for my repaire to the Court, which letters came to
their hands on the Thursday night.
They with all speede gaue the king understanding of it, who being glad
thereof speeded the next day certaine Captaines with souldiers and tents,
with other prouision to Azafi, so that vpon Whitsunday at night the said
Captaines with Iohn Bambton, Robert Washborne, and Robert Lion, and the
kings officers came late to Azafi.
In the meane time I remained a boord, and caused some of the goods to be
discharged for lightning of the shippe, and I wrote in my letter that I
would not lande, till I knewe the Kings pleasure.
The 22 day being Saturday, the Make-speede arriued in the roade about two
of the clocke in the afternoone.
The 27 day, being Whitsunday, came aboord the Gallion Iohn Bampton, and
others, giuing me to vnderstande how much t