And when hee came to the boate they began to stay him, and he
made signes vnto them that hee would fetch them more drinke and bread:
notwithstanding, when he was entering into the boate, one of them caught
him by the breeches and would haue staied him, but hee sprang from him and
leapt into the boate, and as soone as hee was in, one of the Negros a shore
beganne to blow a pipe, and presently the other Negro that was in our boate
sitting on the boates side, and master Wormes sword by him, suddenly drew
the sword out of the scabberd, and cast himselfe into the Sea, and swamme a
shore, and presently the Negros laied handes on our men that were on shore,
and tooke three of them with great violence, and tore all their apparell
from their backes and left them nothing to couer them, and many of them
shot so thicke at our men in our boates, that they could scarse set hand to
any Oare to rowe from the shore, yet (by the helpe of God) they got from
them with their boates although many of them were hurt with their poysoned
arrowes: and the poison is vncurable, if the arrow enter within the skin
and drawe blood, and except the poison be presently suckt out, or the place
where any man is hurt bee foorthwith cut away, he dieth within foure dayes,
and within three houres after they bee hurt or pricked, wheresoeuer it be,
although but at the litle toe, yet it striketh vp to the heart, and taketh
away the stomacke, and causeth the partie marueilously to vomite, being
able to brooke neither meat nor drinke.
The Negros hauing vsed our men with such cruelty, whose names were Nicholas
Day, William Bats, and Iohn Tomson, led them away to a towne which was
within a mile of the water side, or thereabout.
The 20 day we sent to land a boate or skiffe wherein were eight persons,
and one of them was the foresayd Iohn Tomson and our interpreter which was
a Frenchman, (for there was one of the Negros which spake good French:) and
they caried with them two harquebusses, two targets and a mantell.
The cause of sending them was to learne what ransome they demaunded for
Bats and Day whom they detained. And when they came to the shore and told
the Negros what they desired, they went and fetched them from among the
trees, and brought them loose among fortie or fiftie of them. And being
come within a stones cast of the sea side, William Bats brake from them,
and ran as fast as he could into the sea towards the boat, and he was not
so soone in the water