ers to Gillingham with money to supplie our charge there.
Also that euery one of the fiue partners shall foorthwith call vpon their
partners to supply towards this new rigging and victualling, 29 li. 10s.
6d. for euery 100. li. value.
Also that euery one of the fiue partners shall foorthwith bring in 50 li.
towards the furniture of the premisses.
Likewise it is agreed that if M. Gonson giue his consent that the Merline
shall be brought about from Bristoll to Hampton, that a letter be drawen
whereunto his hand shall be, before order be giuen for the same.
* * * * *
The successe of this Voiage in part appeareth by certaine briefe relations
extracted out of the second voyage of Sir Iohn Hawkins to the West
Indies, made in the sayd yeere 1564, which I thought good to set downe
for want of further instructions, which hitherto I could not by any
meanes come by, albeit I haue vsed all possible indeuour for the
obtaining of the same: Take them therefore in the meane season as
Master Iohn Hawkins, with the Iesus of Lubeck a ship of 700. tonnes, and
the Salomon, a ship of 7 score, the Tiger a barke of 50, and the Swalow 30
tonnes, being all well furnished with men to the number of one hundred
threescore and ten, as also with ordinance and victuall requisite for such
a voiage, departed out of Plimmouth the 18 day of October in the yeere of
our Lord 1564. with a prosperous winde: at which departing, in cutting the
foresaile, a marueilous misfortune happened to one of the officers in the
ship, who by the pullie of the sheat was slaine out of hand, being a
sorowfull beginning to them all. And after their setting out 10 leagues to
the Sea, hee met the same day with the Minion a ship of the Queens
Maiesties, whereof was captaine Dauid Carlet, and also her consort the Iohn
Baptist of London being bound to Guinea likewise, who hailed one the other
after the custome of the sea, with certaine pieces of ordinance for ioy of
their meeting: which done, the Minion departed from him to seeke her other
consort the Merline of London, which was a stone out of sight, leauing in
M. Hawkins companie the Iohn Baptist her other consort.
Thus sailing forwards on their way with a prosperous wind until the 21 of
the same moneth, at that time a great storme arose, the wind being at
Northeast about 9 of the clocke at night, and continued so 23 houres
together, in which storme M. Hawkins lost