"_Proclaim_ THEE KING,")
--with do., neither in appos. nor connected by conjunc., ("_I paid_ HIM
_the_ MONEY,")
--with redund. _me, thee, you_
--should not be used without an object
--should not assume a governm. incompatible with its signif.
_Active-intransitive verb_, defined
--_Act.-intrans. verb_, with prep. and its object, put in the pass.
--in pass. form with neut. signif. ("_I_ AM COME,")
--should not be used transitively
_Addison_, undeservedly criticised by BLAIR, for his frequent use of
_that_, as a relative
_Addition, enumeration_, of numbers, by what _number_ of the verb to be
_Address_, ordinary fashion of, in Eng., the plur. numb.
--has introduced the anomal. compound _yourself_
--_Address_, direct, nom. absol. by
--terms of, _your Majesty, your Highness_, &c., in what construc. used
--general usage of, in Fr.; in Span., Portug., or Germ.
ADJECTIVES, Etymol. of
--Classes of, named and defined
--Modifications of
--Comparison of, reg.; by adverbs; irreg.
--_Adjectives_ in _able_ and _ible_, (see _Able, Ible_.)
--_Adjectives_, number of, in Eng.
--how have been otherwise called
--how distinguished from nouns
--other parts of speech may become
--MURR., on nouns assuming the nature of
--whether nouns plur. can assume the character of
--_Adjectives_ that cannot be compared
--that are compared by means of adverbs
--(See _Comparison, Comparative Deg._, and _Superlative Deg._)
--_Adjectives_ requiring the article _the_
--denoting place or situation, comparison of
--become adverbs
--use of, for adv., improper
--with prep., ellipt., equivalent to adv.
--poet., for nouns
--do., for adverbs
--_Adjectives_, Synt. of
--do., in what consists
--to what relate
--substituted ellipt. for their abstr. nouns
--relate to nouns or pronouns understood
--used with def. art., ellipt., as nouns
--two or more before a noun, order of
--two, joined by hyphens
--denoting unity or plurality, how agree with their nouns
--connected, position of
--differing in numb., connected without repetition of noun ("ONE _or
more letters_,")
--_much, little_, &c., preceded by _too, how_, &c., taken substantively
--_Adjectives_, punct. of
--derivation of, from nouns, from adjectives, &c.
--poet. peculiarities in