a and salt test, 351
Adenase, 171
Adenin, 184
Adipose tissue, 15
Adult, factors influencing food requirement of, 43
Agar jelly, preparation of, 147
Age, influence of on food requirements, 43
Albumen, in urine, 333
tests for, 333
Albumen milk, preparation of, 142
Albumen water, with brandy, preparation of, 141
Albumenized grape juice, preparation of, 97
lemonade, preparation of, 97
milk, preparation of, 87
milk shake, preparation of, 87
orangeade, preparation of, 96
Albumins, 20
Albuminoids, 21
Albuminuria, 333
of pregnancy, diet in, 197
Alcohol in gout, 418
Alfalfa, vitamines in, 498
Alkalies, effect of on vitamine B, 32
in diabetes mellitus, 382
in infant feeding, 205, 206
Alkaline carbonates, effect of on gastric secretion, 175
Allen's Paradoxical Law, 371
starvation treatment in diabetes, 63, 372
Almond biscuits, preparation of, 157
Almond flour, preparation of, 158
Almond ice cream, preparation of, 91
Almond meal, preparation of, 158
Almonds, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 461
standard portion of, 478
Amino acids, 19
Ammonium salts, 183
Amylopsin, 171, 174
Anabolism, 181
Anemia, in gastric ulceration, 255
Angel food cake, preparation of, 110
Appendicitis, 268, 278
convalescent diet in, 269, 278
dietetic treatment in, 269, 278
after operation, 317, 321
food to be avoided in, 269
recurring, 278
relapse in, 278
Apples, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 461
standard portion of, 478
vitamines in, 497
Apple tapioca pudding, preparation of, 107
Apricot ice, preparation of, 137
Apricots, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 461
standard portion of, 478
Arrowroot, composition of, 484
fuel value of, 484
Artificial feeding of infants, 205
Artificially fed infants, digestive disturbances in, 231
Artichoke, composition of, 484
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 481
Ash, 25
Ash constituents of foods, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477
Asparagus, ash constituent of, 484