112. There is no apparent difference apart from the calorie amount.
Both versions have been left in place.
The recipe for Sauce for Puddings (page 112) appears identical to the
recipe for Wine or Fruit Sauce (page 111), except for the recipe name
and calorie amounts. Both versions have been left in place.
The table heading on page 117 refers to cuts of lamb and mutton, while
the table itself refers to lamb and veal. This has been left as printed.
There are two instances of a recipe called Beef Juice, on pages 119 and
141. Both have been left in place as printed.
The following amendments have been made:
Page 30--Mellanbly amended to Mellanby--"Mellanby of
England believes the "A" vitamine to be a factor ..."
Page 31--or amended to of--"Effect of Heat on the "A"
Page 77--the first reference to centigram has been
amended from c. to cgm.
Page 80--in amended to is--"... that every Fahrenheit
degree is 9/5 times as large ..."
Page 92--erroneous 'or' removed from second malted milk
recipe (original called for either milk and water or salt).
Page 111--omitted word 'juice' added to ingredients list
in Wine or Fruit Sauce recipe.
Page 125--omitted subheading for Fish added.
Page 128--repeated heading 'Vegetables and Fruits'
Page 131--omitted 'or' added to dressing options in
Tomato (No. 1) recipe.
Page 134--in the ingredients for French Dressing,
paprika amended to salt, to follow the recipe.
Page 145--superfluous 'and' deleted between paragraph
starting "1/2 cup raisins ..." and paragraph starting
"Cream butter and sugar ..."
Page 146--chlorid amended to chloride--"1 dram sodium
chloride (common salt)"
Page 146, footnote--Ellithorp amended to Ellithorpe--
"Courtesy of Misses Foley and Ellithorpe, Dieticians."
Page 147--agar gar amended to agar-agar--"1 tsp. or 7
gms. agar-agar"
Page 156--superfluous 'grams' removed following calorie
count in Casoid Flour and Bran Muffins recipe.
Page 156--omitted ', trace;' added to carbohydrate
quantity for one muffin in the Casoid Flour and Bran
Muffins recipe.
Page 157--omitted 'protein,' added to 2 grams quantity
for one muffin in the Soya Meal and Bran Muffins recipe.
Page 172--dioxid amended to dioxide--"Those which produce
carbon dioxide without the use ..."