f, 470
Rectal feeding, 60, 61, 315
Respiratory tract, diseases of, 301
Requirements, basal, 42
Rhubarb, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 470, 492
nutrient value of, 470
standard portion of, 481
Rice, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 470, 492
nutrient value of, 470
preparation of, 104
standard portion of, 481
vitamines in, 496
Rice custard, preparation of, 108
Rickets, 241
calcium retention in, 241
dietetic treatment of, 241
Roast chicken, preparation of, 122
Roast duck, preparation of, 122
Roast turkey, preparation of, 122
Roasting, 71
Romaine, ash constituents of, 476
Rose's reducing diet for obese women, 431, 432
Rum, composition of, 492
fuel value of, 492
Rutabaga, ash constituents of, 476
vitamines in, 496
Rye, and _see_ Bread, and Flour
ash constituents of, 476
vitamines in, 497
Saccharine, test for, 69
Salad, egg, preparation of, 154
Salads, fruit, preparation of, 131
vegetable, preparation of, 131
Saline solution, normal, 146
Saliva, 172
Salivary digestion, 172
Salisbury steak, preparation of, 149
Salmon, and _see_ Fish
composition of, 492
fuel value of, 470, 492
nutrient value of, 470
Salmon, molded, preparation of, 150
Salt, elimination of in nephritis, 340
Salt content of foods, 358, 359, 360
Salt-free diet, 63
Salt-poor diet for nephritis, 341
Saltines, composition of, 492
fuel value of, 492
Sapota, ash constituents of, 476
Sardines, composition of, 492
fuel value of, 492
Sauce for puddings, preparation of, 111, 112
Sausage, fuel value of, 470
nutrient value of, 470
Sauteing, 71
Scalloped potatoes, preparation of, 131
Scurvy, 240
treatment of, 240
Secretin, 174
Secretory cells, distribution of, 169
Secretory processes disturbed in diseases of stomach, 246
Seeds, vitamines in, 497
Semi-solid diet, 62
Serving meals, suggestions for, 56, 66
Shad, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 470, 494
nutrient value of, 470
Shellfish, 112, and _see_ Meats
Sherry wine, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 494
Shredded wheat, ash constituents of, 476
food content of, 481
fuel value of,