nutrient value of, 463
Blackfish, fuel value of, 463
nutrient value of, 463
Blood, ash constituent of, 472
vitamines in, 498
Bluefish, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
fuel value of, 463, 484
nutrient value of, 463
Body, 165
chemical composition of, 165
food requirements of, 42, 50, 165
metabolism of tissues of, 187
Boas' enema, preparation of, 146
Boiled corn beef with cabbage and other vegetables, preparation
of, 153
Boiling, 70
Bomb calorimeter, 36
Borax, test for, 68
Boric acid, test for, 68
Boston crackers, fuel value of, 463
nutrient value of, 463
Bowels, of nursing mother, 197
Boys, height and weight of, 500
Brains, vitamines in, 496
Bran, composition of, 484
fuel value of, 484
Bran agar wafers, preparation of, 146
Bran biscuits, preparation of, 149, 155, 156
for constipation, 156
Bran cookies, preparation of, 145
Bran gems, preparation of, 144
Bran muffins, preparation of, 155
Brandy, composition of, 484
fuel value of, 484
Brazil nuts, fuel value of, 463
nutrient value of, 463
Bread, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484, 486
fuel value of, 463, 464, 484, 486
nutrient value of, 463, 464
vitamines in, 496
Breadfruit, ash constituent of, 472
Breadstuffs, preparation of, 103
Bread substitutes, preparation of, 155
Breast feeding _versus_ artificial feeding, 243
Breast milk, as a food, 228
_versus_ cow's milk, 203
Brick feeder, 225
Bright's disease, _see_ Nephritis
Broiled oysters, preparation of, 123
Broiled quail, preparation of, 121
Broiled squab, preparation of, 121
Broiled tomatoes, preparation of, 133
Broiling, 71
Broths, preparation of, 118
standard, 118
Brown betty, preparation of, 107
Brussels sprouts, ash constituent of, 472
Buckwheat flour, ash constituent of, 472
fuel value of, 464
nutrient value of, 464
Bulgarian buttermilk, preparation of, 89
Butter, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 486
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 464, 486
nutrient value of, 464
standard portion of, 478
vitamines in, 497, 498
Buttermilk, ash constituent of, 472
fuel value of, 464
nutrient value of, 464
Buttermilk, Bulgarian, preparation of, 89
Buttermilk mixtures, 208