house, 62
light, 62
liquid, 62
milk, 63
mixed, 63
nephritic, 63, and _see_ Nephritis
obesity, 63, and _see_ Obesity
protein-free, 340
purin-free, 63
salt-free, 63
semi-solid, 62
special, 62, 63
Dietary, for child, 221, 223
sample, 54
Dieto-therapy, 189
Digestion, 167
chemical, 169, 172
gastric, 172
intestinal, 173, 176
processes included in, 166
salivary, 172
Digestive disturbances in infants and children, 231
Diluents, in infant feeding, 208
preparation of, 210
Dilution for premature infants, 225
Disaccharides, 8, 10
Dish gravy, 141
Dishes, washing, 76
Doughnuts, fuel value of, 465
nutrient value of, 465
Dry peptonoids, composition of, 488
fuel value of, 488
Duck, _see_ Meat
Dysentery, dietetic treatment of, 268, 278
Ebstein's method for obesity, 429
Egg, or Eggs, 95
ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
coddled, 100
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
standard portion of, 479
vitamines in, 497, 498
Egg nest, preparation of, 101
Eggnog, preparation of, 99
Eggplant, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
Egg salad, preparation of, 154
Eggwhite and mint, preparation of, 98
Eiweissmilch, 142, 208, 209
Elimination, 167
Emaciation, 438
allowable foods in, 441
dietetic treatment in, 440
diet in, 63, 439
diet sheets, 442, 443
in children, 438
method of increasing diet in, 444
milk cure in, 441
need for building foods in, 439
regulating diet in, 439
selection of foods in, 440
Endive, ash constituents of, 473
Enema, or Enemas, malted milk, 146
milk and egg, 145
milk and starch, 146
nutrient, 145
temperature of, 61
Energy output compared with food intake, 425
production of, 182
Enteritis, acute, 264, and _see_ Diarrhea
Enteritis, acute, dietetic treatment of, 264, 265, 266, 276, 277
foods to be avoided in, 266, 277
Enteritis, chronic, 267
dietetic treatment in, 267
Enterocolitis, 267, 277
dietetic treatment of, in infants, 237
Enzymes, 170, 171
acting, on carbohydrates, 171
on fats, 171
on proteins, 171
on purins, 171
action of, 170, 171