hritis, 336
acute, 336
adjusting diet in, 338
adjusting fluids in, 338
advisable foods in, 344
causes of, 336
Chase and Rose's diet in, 340
chronic, 336, 346
dietetic treatment in, 346
functional tests in, 347, 348, 351
protein diet in, 346
chronic interstitial, 352
dietetic treatment in, 352
limiting fluid in, 353
limiting nitrogen in, 353
selection and preparation of food in, 354
convalescent diet in, 344
diet in, 339, 345, 356
effects of, 336
elimination of salt in, 340
foods to be avoided in, 344
Halpin's diet in, 342
Karell cure in, 342
limiting the amount of food in, 341
milk cure in, 338
preparation of food in, 343
problems to be considered in, 337
proteins in, 343
resting the kidneys in, 338
selection of foods in, 343
thirst in, 343
Widal's diet in, 341
Neufchatel cheese salad, preparation of, 154
Nitrogen, retention of in infancy, 201
source of in foods, 5
Nitrogenous substances, oxidation and excretion of, 324
Noodles, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 490
Noodle soup, preparation of, 149
Normal saline solution, preparation of, 146
Nucleoproteins, 21
Nursing infant, food requirements of, 194
Nursing mother, constipation in, 197
diet of, 195
habits of, 203
Nuts, vitamines in, 498
Nut charlotte, preparation of, 138, 162
Nutrient enemas, 145
Nutrition in children, 502
Nutritional index, 503
Oatmeal, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 490
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 468, 490
nutrient value of, 468
standard portion of, 481
Oatmeal cookies, preparation of, 106
Oats, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 490
vitamines in, 496
Oat water, preparation of, 141
Obese women, Rose's reducing diet for, 431, 432
Obesity, 424
allowable foods in, 429
amount of food to be taken in, 431
Banting's method in, 426, 427
cures for, 425, 426
dietetic treatment of, 426, 429, 446
diets for, 63, 426
Ebstein's method in, 429
exercise in, 426
in gout, 419
limiting fluids in, 426
massage in, 425
menus for, 430, 435, 436, 437
Oertel's method for, 427
Proudfit's menu for, 429, 433, 434
Rose's diet for, 431, 432
Oertel's method in obesity, 427
Oils, vitamines in, 49