constituents of, 474
composition of, 488
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466
standard portion of, 480
vitamines in, 497
Greens, composition of, 488
fuel value of, 488
Guanase, 171
Guava, ash constituents of, 474
Gum gluten, composition of, 488
fuel value of, 488
Haddock, and _see_ Fish
fuel value of, 466
nutrient value of, 466
Haines' solution, 331
Haines' test for sugar in urine, 329
Halibut, and _see_ Fish
composition of, 488
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466, 488
Halpin's salt-free nephritic diet, 342
Ham, and _see_ Meat
composition of, 488
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466
Hard sauce, preparation of, 111
Hazel nuts, ash constituents of, 474
Heat, application of to milk, 84
effect of on carbohydrates, 14
effect of on fats, 16
effect of on proteins, 22
effect of on vitamine A, 31
effect of on vitamine B, 32
effect of on vitamine C, 33
produced by oxidation of foodstuffs, 38
Hedinger-Schlayer-Mosenthal diet, 348, 350
Heights and weights for children, 499, 500, 501
Heller's test for albumen in urine, 333
Hemoglobin, 22
Hemorrhages, gastric, 251
Hempseed, vitamines in, 497
Herring, and _see_ Fish
fuel value of, 466
nutrient value of, 466
vitamines in, 496
Hickory nuts, composition of, 488
fuel value of, 488
High calorie diet, in tuberculosis, 304
in typhoid fever, 289, 291, 294, 295, 298, 299
Hollandaise sauce, preparation of, 126
Hominy, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 488
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466
standard portion of, 480
Homogenized milk, 209
Homogenizer, 209
Honey, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 488
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466
standard portion of, 480
vitamines in, 498
Horse meat, vitamines in, 496
Horseradish, ash constituents of, 474
House diet, 62
Household weights and measures, 78
Huckleberries, ash constituents of, 474
fuel value of, 466
nutrient value of, 466
Huckleberry wine, ash constituents of, 474
Hydrochloric acid, in gastric juice, 246
Hyperchlorhydria, 247
Hypochlorhydria, 246
Ice-box, care of, 73