ylolytic, 172
autolytic, 171
classification of, 172
coagulating, 172
deaminizing, 172
glycolytic, 171
hydrolytic, 172
lipolytic, 172
oxidizing, 172
proteolytic, 172
reducing, 172
source of, 171
sugar-splitting, 172
table of, 171
Erepsin, 171, 174
Errors in diet, in infants and children, 232, 243
Fahrenheit scale, 80
Farina, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
preparation of, 104
standard portion of, 479
Fast days, in treatment of diabetes, 381
Fat, or Fats, 14, 15
absorption of, 177
calories in, 38
cause of gastro-intestinal disturbances in children, 233
effect of heat upon, 16
enzymes acting on, 171
excess of, in diet of infants and children, 233
fate of, 182
functions of, 17
metabolism of, in acidosis, 453
phosphorized, 15
rate of digestion of, 173
regulation of, in diet, 233
source of, 5, 448
tolerance of, in diabetes, 381
vitamines in, 497, 498
Fat soluble A, 15
effect of heat upon, 31
function of, 30
foods containing, 6, 496, 497, 498
Fatty foods, effect of, upon gastric secretion, 175
Feeding, by inunction, 62
by mouth, 59
correct, evidences of, 243
forced, 59
in diseases of gastro-intestinal tract, 245
infant, _see_ Infant feeding
methods of, 59
post-operative, 316, 319, 320
pre-operative, 312, 318, 320
rectal, 60, 61
Fehling's solution, 331
Fehling's test for sugar in urine, 328
Fermentation, and _see_ Enzymes
cause of infantile disorders, 236, 237
in stomach, 180
Fermentation test for sugar in urine, 330
Fever, or Fevers, 281
care of mouth in, 285
convalescent diet in, 283
dietetic treatment in, 281
energy expenditure in, 288
energy requirements in, 285
fluid diet in, 282
nitrogen equilibrium in, 286
sample menus for, 284
schedule of feeding in, 282
soft diet in, 283
thirst in, 285
tissue waste in, 281
typhoid, _see_ Typhoid fever
Figs, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
standard portion of, 479
Fish, 115
ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
food content of, 479