principalle: thre of them {7} bene of righte: and the other tweyne
of vallente. The first cause is to susteyne right and justice; the second
is to withestande alle soche mysdoers the whiche wolde do foule[93] greif
and oppresse the peple of the contre that the kyng or prince is gouvernoure
of; the thrid is for to recuver landes, seignories and goodes [that] be
other unrightfully ravisshed, taken away be force, or usurped, whiche
shulde apperteine to the kyng and prince of the same seignorie, or ellis to
whome his subgettys shuld apparteine [and] be meinteined under. And the
other tweyne be but of violence, as for to be venged for dammage or griefe
done by another; the othir to conquere straunge countrees bethout[94] any
title of righte, as king Alexandre conquerid uppon the Romayne: whiche
tweine last causes, though[95] the conquest or victorie by violence or by
roialle power sownethe worshipfulle in dede of armes, yet ther ought no
cristen prince use them. And yet in the first thre causes, before a prince
to take an entreprise, it most be done be a just cause, and havyng righte
gret deliberacion, by the conduyt and counceile of the most sage approuved
men of a reaume or countre that the prince is of: and so for to use it in a
just quarelle as[96] the righte execution of justice requirithe, whiche is
one of the principalle iiij. cardinall virtues. And if that using of armes
and haunting of werre be doone rather for magnificence, pride, and
wilfulnesse, to destroie Roiaumes and countreis by roialle gret power, as
whan tho that wolde avenge have noo title, but sey _Vive le plus fort_,
[that] is to sey, Let the grettest maistrie have the feelde,--
[In this place the following insertion is made by a second hand in the
Lyke as when the duc off Burgoyn by cyvyle bataylle by maisterdom expelled
the duc of Orlyance partie and hys frendis owt of Parys cytee the yere of
Christ M^l.iiij^cxij, and slow many thowsands and[97] hondredes bethout
title of justice, but to revenge a synguler querel betwen both prynces for
the dethe of the duc off Orlyans, {8} slayn yn the vigille of Seynt Clement
by Raulyn Actovyle of Normandie, yn the yeer of Crist M^l.iiij^cvij^o. And
the bataylle of Seynt-clow besyde Parys, by the duc of Burgoyn with help of
capteyns of England owt of England, waged by the seyd duc, was myghtly
foughten and had the fielde ayenste theyr adverse partye. Albeyt the duc of
Orlyance waged another armee so