the forsaide kinges of Englonde and of Fraunce, alle waye
whan the Frenshe partie coude have and fynde any avauntage or coloure to
breke here trewes they did make new werre ayenst this lande. Also there was
another trewes made at Paris the monithe of Octobre the yere of Crist
M^l.cclix. betwene king Henry the thrid and Lowes king of Fraunce, the
whiche king Lowes haveng grete conscience that he heelde bethout title of
right the duchie of Normandie, the counte of Angew, Mayne, and Toureyne,
out of the handis of the kinges of Englonde, therfore toke a trewis withe
king Henry the thridde; and the saide king Lowes graunted and confirmed to
the saide king Henry and to his heires for ever all the right that he hadd
or myght have in the duchie of Gascoigne, withe thre eveschies clepid
diocesis and citees in the saide duchie, that is to witt, Limogensis,
Caourcensis, and Pieregourt. Also at[129] Agenois and Peito. And a peas to
be made atwix bothe kinges undre the condicion that the saide king Henry
thrid shuld relese unto king Lowes alle his right in Normandie and in the
countre of Anjou, of Mayne, and Toreyne, your verray auncient enheritaunce
tailed, whiche albeit if the said king Henry thrid had alone made any suche
relese it was of none strenght ne effect, for it was never graunted be the
auctorite of the parlement of thre astatis of his roiaume. For it is to be
undrestande that be no law imperialle ne by no dew reason can be founded
{35} that a prince may not gyve away his duchees or countees ne his
demaynes that is his propre enheritaunces to a straunge parsone, of what
astate or degre he is, bethout the agrement and consenting of a parlement
of his lordis spirituelle and temporelle, and of his comyns assembled, and
a sufficient nombre of every of hem, as it hathe bene accustumed; so in
conclusion the relese of king Henry thrid to king Lowes was and is voide.
And if any relese of king Lowes to the said king Henry in the said duchie
of Gascoine had be made it standithe of fulle litille effect, becaus it was
the said king Henry propre enheritaunce by his aiel king Henry the second
that weddid dame Alienor duchesse and heriter of Guien, as is before
expressid. And so the said king Lowes relese was a confirmacion of the said
duchie of Guien into king Henry thrid is possession and a disclayme frome
the kinges of Fraunce for ever. Also ther was another trux and pease made
the yere of Crist M^l.cclxxix., at Amyens, betwen king Edwa