cion for the right of his enheritaunces, like as who
so lust rede the booke [of] his actis clepid [mayster[133]] Froddesarde
more plainly may perceyve. And so alle his daies contynued tille unto the
tyme that be dissimulacion of the gret peas taken atwix hym and his
prisoner king Johan of Fraunce, made at Bretigny the yere of Crist
M^l.iij^c.lx., that undre umbre of the seid trewes Charles le Sage his
sonne, after the decese of king Johan, did put king Edwarde thrid out of
alle his said conquest in Fraunce and Normandie, and partie of Guyen. And
sithen more effectuelle laboures and dedis of armes {41} hathe be done by
that victorioux prince Henry the .v^{the}., he being parsonelly bothe at
many sieges, leyng at assautes, at batailes, and journeis frome the second
yere of his reigne [exclusyfe[134]] into the day of his trespassement the
space of .vij. yere. Whiche labouris parcellis of them briefly bene
specified before. And there youre obeisaunt subgeitis and trew liege peple
be put owt of their londis and tenementis yoven to hem by youre
predecessoures, as wel as be that highe and mighty prince Richarde duke of
Yorke youre father, being at two voiages lieutenaunt and gouvernaunt in
Fraunce, for service done unto hem in theire conquest, not recompensed ayen
to theire undoing. Heh allas! thei did crie, and woo be the tyme they
saide, that ever we shulde put affiaunce and trust to the Frenshe partie or
theire allie[gh] in any trewes keping, considering so many folde tymes we
have ben deceived and myschevid thoroughe suche dissimuled trewes as is
late before specified. And yet not for alle these inconvenientis that have
falle to us be conspiring of deceitis undre umbre of suche dissimuled
trewes, late it be out of doubte that, thoughe they holde theym never so
proude, puissaunt, and strong, ne so sotill and crafty in suche deceitis
conspiring, they by Goddis might shalbe overcome and brought to the right
astate that it oughte be, where as the title and clayme of thenheritaunce
of Fraunce is verray trew, whan dew diligence have be shewed by us in
executing the saide right, as it is verefied briefly by examples here
[Sidenote: Divina concideracio enodanda per theologos.]
How be it that at som tymes that God suffrithe the partie that hathe a true
title and right to be overcome, yet for alle that a man shulde not be
discouraged alway to sew his right.
[Sidenote: .1450.]
[Sidenote: Infortunium bellum apud Fermeny