aillaunt chosen knightes of the noble and worshipfulle
ordre of the Garter, founded by the right noble prince king Edward thrid,
and to bere about his legge a tokyn of the Garter, in the castelle of
Wynsore, the .xxiij. yere of his reigne. And [as yt ys seyd[141]] in token
of worship that he being in bataile what fortune fille shuld not voide the
feeld, but abide the fortune that God lust sende. Whiche for gret prowesse
and here manlynesse approved in armes was founded for her gret labouris in
werre and vaillaunt dedis of armes be now passid to God and ought be put in
memorialle, that in what distresse of bataile or siege that they have ben
yn for the righte title in the crowne of Fraunce they alway avaunsid hem
forthe withe the formost in example of good corage gyvyng to alle theire
felouship, to opteyne the overhande of here entreprise. He allas! sethe
that none suche were never sene withdrawers or fleers frome batailes or
dedis of worship, but rather vigorouslie foryeting theymsilfe, as did the
full noble knight, a felow of the Garter, ser Johan Chaundos, as a lion
fighting in the feelde [at the bataylle of Fizar, yn Spayn, wyth prince
Edward[141]] of the lion condicion, and defendid youre roiaume of Fraunce
frome youre adversaries, preservyng theire prince's right and theire
subgettis, avaunced youre conquest of Fraunce and Normandie, Angew, and
Mayne, and the noble duchie of Gascoigne and Gyen, {47} and maynteyned
theire honoure and astate, to the welle of youre bothe roiaumes and relief
of youre treu subgettis of this lande. And thereto they have ben of the
condicions of lyons fighting withe gret strenght, puissauntlie and stifly
sett to withestande youre ennemies, notwithestanding gret part of the said
adverse partie have voided, fledd, and forsake the feeld and theire
felouship at suche tyme as they sought to abide. In example, of the fulle
noble jorney late had in the yere of Crist M^l.cccc.xxxj., at Senlys, where
youre lieutenaunt and youre power being present, and Charlis the
.vij^{the}, youre gret adversarie of Fraunce withe alle his power to the
nombre of .l^{ti}.M^l. fighters on his side, and embatilled by thre daies
in the feeld, fled and voided unfoughten at the said jorney of Senlis,
youre saide kynnesman Johan duc of Bedford being then lieutenaunt, and
present in the feeld before hym thre daies. And also sone after the saide
worshipfull journey of Senlis, your saide adversarie of Fraunce, after that