Fraunce withe gret worship.
[Sidenote: Animacio.]
An nother exhortacion of the historier.
O ye highe and myghtifulle prince, king of Englande and of Fraunce, and
alle ye other noble princes and other puissaunt lordes and nobles of divers
astates olde or yong, of so auncien a stok and of so worthy a lineage, as
of the noble Trojan is blode descendid, as it is auctorised and may appere
by many croniclers and histories of noble doctours enacted and registred,
that ye alonly have ever ben halden without note of errour or deformite of
the law withe the most puissaunt and of power thoroughe alle regions
cristen or hethen, haveng alway under youre regencie and governaunce the
habondaunce of noble men of chevalrie, passing alle othir landes after the
quantite and afferaunt of youre roiaume, lete then be as a mirrour noted
and had before youre eyen by contynuell remembraunce to thentent that the
excersising of theire noble actis in conquestis may the more vigorously
endeuce you to succede the prowesse and vaillauntnesse of youre highe
predecessoures in armes, like as it shewethe welle at this tyme of what
worship they have bene by here victorious dedis, for they in difference of
other nacions have ever ewred and shewed the renomme and excellence of
youre highe and mighty antecessours' corages, aswelle in straunge regions
as among the Sarrazyns in the region of Sirie and Turkie, as in the said
neere regions of Fraunce, Spayne, Lumbardie, Spruce, and other countrees.
And therfor ye shulde yeve laude and praisingis alway to God, for, sithe
the trespassement of prince Edwarde and good Henry duc of Lancaster that
was, [ther wer but few like to hem in armys.[137]]
Here is brieflie made mencion of the recomendacion of acyn[138] worship of
Henry the .v^{the}. and his bretheryn Thomas, Johan, and Humfrey, .iiij.
noble princes.
Where was he of late daies descendid of noble bloode that was so corageous
in dedis of armes as was that mightifull prince of renommee of {44} youre
noble lynage Henry .v^{te}. and his said thre full mighty and noble princes
his brethern, and next .ij. cosyns germayns of youre kynne, that in here
daies were as the pilours and chief postis of the holders up of the [last
conquest, and of the[139]] possession of youre rightfulle enheritaunce,
bothe of youre roiaumes of Fraunce as of justice keping, tranquillite and
pease in youre roiaume of Englonde, also of the duchies of Normandie,
Gascoigne, Guyen