owne of Harflete bethyn .xl. days, made Thomas
Beauford then erle Dorset hys oncle capteyn of yt. And the seyd erle made
ser John Fastolfe chevaler his lieutenaunt wyth M^l.v^c soudeours, and the
baron of Carew, wyth .xxxiij. knyghtys, contynuelly defended the seyd toune
ayenst the myghty power of Fraunce by the space of one yere and half aftyr
the seyd prince Herry. v^{te}. departed from Hareflue. And the seyd towne
was beseged by the Frenshe partye by lond and also by see, wyth a grete
navye of carekys, galeyes, and shyppis off Spayne, tille that yn the meene
tyme Johan duc of Bedfor(d), the erle of Marche your moste noble
antecessour, accompanyed wyth many other nobles, wyth a puissaunt armee of
shypps, fought wyth the carrekys and shypps lyeng at Seyn hede before
Hareflue, were {16} taken and many one sleyn and drowned; and so vyttailled
Harflue yn grete famyn, that a wreched cowys hede was solde for vj s. viij
d. sterling, and the tong for xl d., and dyed of Englysh soudeours mo then
v^c. yn defaut of sustenaunce. And the second voyage after wythynne the
tyme before seyd Johan erle of Hontyndon was made cheif admyralle of a new
armee to rescue Harflue, beseged of the new wyth a grete navy of shyppys
and carekys of the Frenshe partye, [which] were foughten wyth and ovyrcom
throw myghty fyghtyng; and of the new vitailled Hareflue, the seyd erle
Dorset then beyng yn England at the Emperour comyng hedre, called
Sygemondus. I briefly title thys incident to th'entent not to be foryete
how suche tweyn myghety batailles were foughten uppon the see bethyn one
yere and half, and how the seyd toune of Hareflue was deffended and kept
ayenst the puyssaunt power of Fraunce beseged as yt were by the seyd tyme;
and as for wache and ward yn the wynter nyghtys I herd the seyd ser Johan
Fastolfe sey that every man kepyng the scout wache had a masty hound at a
lyes, to berke and warne yff ony adverse partye were commyng to the dykes
or to aproche the towne for to scale yt. And the seyd prince Herry
v^{the},[114]] albeit that it consumed gretlie his peple, and also by
batailes yeveng, conquerid [the towne of Harflete[114]], and wanne bothe
the saide Duchie of Normandie first and after the Roiaume of Fraunce,
conquerid and broughte in subjeccion and wanne be his gret manhode, withe
the noble power of his lordis and helpe of his comonys, and so overleid the
myghtie roialle power of Fraunce be the seide sieges lieng, first in his
first viage