uppon Charles de Bloys duke of Breteine, and leid a siege in Breteine to a
strong forteresse clepid Roche daryon, and kept be his true subjectis.
After many assautes and grete escarmisshes and a bataile manly foughten,
the said duke was take, and havyng .vij. woundes was presentid to the said
king Edward. And he also wanne Calix after, by a long and puissaunt sieges
keping[107] by see and be londe; and they enfamyned couthe have no socoure
of king Philip, and so for faute of vitaile yeldid Calix up to king Edwarde
the .iiij. day of August in the yere of Crist M^l.ccc.xlvij. And also put
Normandie gret part of it in subgeccion. And therto in his daies his eldist
sonne Edward prince of Walis the .xix. day of Septembre the yere of Crist
M^l.iij^c.lvj had a gret discomfiture afore the cite of Peyters uppon John
calling hym King of Fraunce, where the said king was taken prisoner, and in
whiche bataile was slaine the duke of Bourbon, the duke of Athenes, the
lord Clermont, ser Geffrey Channy that bare the baner of the oriflamble,
and also take withe king Johan ser Philip duc [le hardye[108]] of Bourgoine
his yongist sonne, and for whois raunson and othres certaine lordes {14}
king Edwarde rewarded the Prince xx.M^ sterlinges. Also taken that day
ser Jaques de Bourbon erle of Pontieu [and] Charles his brother erle of
Longville, the kingis cosins germains, ser John Meloun erle of Tancarvile,
ser William Meleum archebisshop of Sens, the erle Dampmartyn, the erle
Vendosme, the erle Vaudemont, the erle Salebruce, the erle Nanson, ser
Arnolde of Doneham mareshalle of Fraunce, and many other knightis and
gentiles to the nombre of M^l.vij^c. prisonneris, of whiche were taken and
sleine .lij. knightis banerettis. And the kingis eldist sonne Charlis
calling hym duc of Normandie, the duc of Orliauns the kingis brother, the
duc of Anjou, the erle of Peiters that after was clepid [Johan[109]] the
duc of Berrie, the erle of Flaundris, withe a few other lordis, withdrewe
hem and escapid from the seide bataile. And sone after, the yere of Crist
M^l.iij^c.lvij. the .xvj. day of Aprill the said prince Edward with king
Johan tooke the see at Burdeux to Englond, and londed the .iiij. day of
Maij and came to London the .xxiiij. day of Maij, the said king Edwarde his
father meeting withe king Johan in the feelde, doing hym gret honoure and
reverence. And after in the yere of Crist M^l.iij^c.lxvij the month of Maij
the said king Johan was put