University, Pa. Presb. [a]9 [a]74
Claflin University and College
of Agriculture Orangeburg. S. C. M. E. 10 165
Central Tennessee College Nashville, Tenn. M. E. 13 139
Fisk University Nashville, Tenn. Cong. 13 74
Agricultural and Mechanical
College Hempstead, Tex. . . .
Hampton Normal and Agricultural
Institute Hampton, Va. Cong. [e] [e]
Howard University[f] Washington, D. C. Non-sect. 5 [f]33
--- -----
Total 137 1,933
[a] In 1878.
[b] For all departments.
[c] These are preparatory.
[d] Normal students are here reckoned as preparatory.
[e] Reported with normal schools.
[f] This institution is open to both races, and the figures given are
known to include some whites.
_Statistics of institutions for the instruction of the
Colored race for 1879.--_Continued.
Name and class of institution. Location.
Instructors. |
Religious | |
denomination. | |
| | |
| | |
Alabama Baptist Normal and
Theological School Selma, Ala. Bapt. 1 .
Theological department of
Talladega College Talladega, Ala. Cong. 2 14
Institute for the Education
of Colored Ministers Tuscaloosa, Ala. Presb.
Atlanta Baptist Seminary Atlanta, Ga. Bapt. 3 113
Theological department of Leland
University New Orleans, La. Bapt. [a]2 [a]55
Thomson biblical Institute (New
Orleans University) New Orleans, La. M. E. [a]1 [a]16
Theological department of
Straight University New Orleans, La. Cong. 1 21
Centenary Bible Institute Baltimo